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Phonetic spelling of Ailana

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[ aye - LAH - nuh ]
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aye lah nuh
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Meanings for Ailana

Loving in Hawaiian
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it is a feminine Finnish origin name which means light bearer
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Quiz on Ailana


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Wiki content for Ailana

Ailana Fraser - Ailana Margaret Fraser is a Canadian mathematician and professor of mathematics at the University of British Columbia.
Aila (name) - Aila is a female given name found in several different languages, normally pronounced as "eye-luh" but sometimes as "aye-luh" depending on origin.
Ailanthus altissima - Ailanthus altissima , commonly known as tree of heaven, ailanthus, varnish tree, or in Chinese as chouchun (Chinese: 臭椿; pinyin: chòuchūn; literally: 'foul smelling tree'), is a deciduous tre
Ailanthus webworm - The ailanthus webworm (Atteva aurea) is an ermine moth now found commonly in the United States. It was formerly known under the scientific name Atteva punctella (see Taxonomy section).
Ailanthus triphysa - Ailanthus triphysa (also Ailanthus malabarica) is a medium to tall evergreen rainforest tree in Asia and Australia.
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Translations of Ailana

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Examples of Ailana in a sentence

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