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Cissy houston

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    Meanings for Cissy houston

    An American singer, mainly soul and gospel, and was also a backup singer for several renowned singers like Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin, etc.
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    Wiki content for Cissy houston

    Cissy Houston - Emily "Cissy" Houston (née Drinkard; born September 30, 1933) is an American soul and gospel singer. After a successful career singing backup for such artists as Roy Hamilton, Dionne Warwick,
    Cissy Houston Collection - The Cissy Houston Collection is a gospel compilation album by American gospel/soul singer Cissy Houston, released on September 20, 2005. The album's tracks were produced by Jimmy Vivino, Joel
    Cissy Houston (album) - Cissy Houston is the second studio album by American soul/gospel singer Cissy Houston, released in 1977 on Private Stock Records as the follow-up to her debut album, Presenting Cissy Houston.

    Examples of in a sentence

    Back in July, Entertainment Tonight reported that Whitney Houston’s mother, Cissy Houston, released a statement expressing anger toward Lifetime for going forward with making a biopic about her late daughter despite the “family’s objections
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    You see, their awards will be presented to their respective parents Joseph (Joe) Jackson, and Cissy Houston
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    Back in July, Entertainment Tonight reported that Whitney Houston’s mother, Cissy Houston, released a statement expressing anger toward Lifetime for going forward with making a biopic about her late daughter despite the “family’s objections
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    "Lifetime has chosen to go ahead with the movie about Whitney in spite of my family's objections," Cissy Houston says in a statement
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    Cissy Houston facts: Whitney Houston's mother's age, children, husband and career revealed
    Listen Cissy Houston facts: Whitney Houston's mother's age, children, husband and career revealed pronunciation
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    Translations of Cissy houston

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    Trending news on Cissy houston

    Cissy Houston facts: Whitney Houston's mother's age, children, husband and career revealed
    Listen Cissy Houston facts: Whitney Houston's mother's age, children, husband and career revealed pronunciation
    Cissy Houston is a well-known soul and gospel singer. She is also the mother of the late Whitney Houston. Cissy Houston is a highly successful singer who has performed with iconic artists. S..View article
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