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Learn how to pronounce Ruben Gallego

Ruben Gallego

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Pronunciation of Ruben Gallego with 3 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Ruben Gallego

Ruben Gallego is an American politician who graduated from Harvard University and deployed as a USMCR Corporal during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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Wiki content for Ruben Gallego

Examples of in a sentence

Rep. Ruben Gallego Criticizes President Trump's Treatment of Latino Community
Listen Rep. Ruben Gallego Criticizes President Trump's Treatment of Latino Community pronunciation
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Savanna’s Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Ruben Gallego, passes the House
Listen Savanna’s Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Ruben Gallego, passes the House pronunciation
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Rep. Ruben Gallego - Arizona District 07
Listen Rep. Ruben Gallego - Arizona District 07 pronunciation
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Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego seeks action after virus cases surge
Listen Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego seeks action after virus cases surge pronunciation
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Translations of Ruben Gallego

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Trending news on Ruben Gallego

Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego seeks action after virus cases surge
Listen Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego seeks action after virus cases surge pronunciation
As the state becomes a hotspot, Rep. Ruben Gallego sent a letter to Ducey Wednesday criticizing him for failing to highlight the “seriousness of the growing public health emergency our state..View article
image-unavailable FOX 10 Phoenix
Rep. Ruben Gallego - Arizona District 07
Listen Rep. Ruben Gallego - Arizona District 07 pronunciation
The figures profiled here include money from two sources: These contributors were either the sponsors of a PAC that gave to the politician, or they were listed as an individual donor's emplo..View article
image-unavailable OpenSecrets.org
Savanna’s Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Ruben Gallego, passes the House
Listen Savanna’s Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Ruben Gallego, passes the House pronunciation
Congress has passed Savanna's Act, addressing the crisis of sexual violence, missing cases, and murders of Indigenous women.
AL DA News AL DA News
Rep. Ruben Gallego Criticizes President Trump's Treatment of Latino Community
Listen Rep. Ruben Gallego Criticizes President Trump's Treatment of Latino Community pronunciation
Congressional Hispanic Caucus first vice chair, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz, 7th District), joined Cheddar to discuss Hispanic Heritage Month and address the Trump administration's treatment..View article
Cheddar Cheddar

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