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Pronunciation of Alayna with 11 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Alayna

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Meanings for Alayna

Variant of ALAINA.
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It is a Latin feminine name.
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Wiki content for Alayna

Alayna - Alayna is a female given name. It may refer to:
Alayna Westcom - Alayna Westcom (born May 19, 1991) is an American beauty pageant titleholder from Bakersfield, Vermont, who was crowned Miss Vermont 2015. She competed for the Miss America 2016 title in Sept
Alayna Morgan - Alayna Marie Morgan (May 21, 1948 – November 7, 2009) was an American woman from Santa Rosa, California, who was renowned as one of the world's heaviest people, weighing an estimated 700lbs (
Alayna Burns - Alayna Burns (born 25 January 1980) is an Australian track cyclist.
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Examples of in a sentence

Dedham siblings Jeremie and Alayna Cepeda find togetherness on football field
Listen Dedham siblings Jeremie and Alayna Cepeda find togetherness on football field pronunciation
136 ratings rating ratings
Women in Football: Alayna Hill, Blue Ridge
Listen Women in Football: Alayna Hill, Blue Ridge pronunciation
118 ratings rating ratings
Faryal Makhdoom PIC EXC: Star throws rainforest-themed party for daughter Alayna's first birthday
Listen Faryal Makhdoom PIC EXC: Star throws rainforest-themed party for daughter Alayna's first birthday pronunciation
107 ratings rating ratings
Alayna Ortiz: Indiana Teen Killed in Griffith Shooting
Listen Alayna Ortiz: Indiana Teen Killed in Griffith Shooting pronunciation
97 ratings rating ratings
Alayna Treene and Jonathan Tamari on the Week Ahead in Washington
Listen Alayna Treene and Jonathan Tamari on the Week Ahead in Washington pronunciation
88 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Alayna

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Trending news on Alayna

Life Without Parole For Man Charged in Killing of Alayna Ertl
Listen Life Without Parole For Man Charged in Killing of Alayna Ertl pronunciation
The man convicted of killing 5-year-old Alayna Ertl after taking her from her Watkins home in August of 2016 has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. The sentence was handed down..View article
THE OTHER McGEE : Alayna, a Fullerton Freshman, Sheds the Label of ‘Little Twin’
Listen THE OTHER McGEE : Alayna, a Fullerton Freshman, Sheds the Label of ‘Little Twin’ pronunciation
Playing an average of 10 minutes a game, freshman forward Alayna McGee has not had much of an impact on the Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team this season. But give her time, McGee’..View article
Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
Alayna R. Anthony
Listen Alayna R. Anthony pronunciation
WATERBURY – Alayna R. Anthony passed away unexpectedly Feb. 16, 2019, at Yale New Haven Hospital. She was born Dec. 23, 2016, in New Haven. Alayna was the beloved daughter of Jacquan L. Anth..View article
image-unavailable Republican-American
Off the Course: Alayna Eldred
Listen Off the Course: Alayna Eldred pronunciation
Next in our series is freshman Alayna Eldred. Eldred made her collegiate debut as an individual at Minnesota Invitational and tied for 78th. An Osakis, Minn. native, she played all four year..View article
image-unavailable Minnesota Golden Gophers
Second Suspect Arrested In Murder Of Portage High School Student Alayna Ortiz
RELATED Two Charged In Shooting Death Of 18-Year-Old Alayna Ortiz Juarez Rogers, 49, who was charged Jan. 16 for the murder of Alayna Ortiz, was taken into custody Thursday morning in a sout..View article
image-unavailable CBS Chicago
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