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    Meanings for Alyssa

    Alyssa Milano is an actress from America known for the TV show "Charmed".
    0 rating rating ratings
    Alyssa Scott is a singer, known for the song "Young Wild and Free".
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    Wiki content for Alyssa

    Alyssa - Alyssa is a feminine given name with multiple origins.
    Alyssa Milano - Alyssa Jayne Milano (born December 19, 1972) is an American actress, producer, activist, and singer. She is known for her roles as Samantha Micelli in Who's the Boss?, Jennifer Mancini in Mel
    Alyssa Valdez - Alyssa Caymo Valdéz (born June 29, 1993) is a Filipino volleyball player who currently plays for a local club team named Creamline Cool Smashers.
    Alyssa Healy - Alyssa Healy (born 24 March 1990), is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Australian women's national team and New South Wales in domestic cricket.
    Alyssa Naeher - Alyssa Michele Naeher (born April 20, 1988) is an American soccer goalkeeper for the Chicago Red Stars of the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL), the highest division of women's profession
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    Examples of in a sentence

    ERR--Kirstin Zarkadas, Alyssa Thorton
    450 ratings rating ratings
    Alyssa Milano leads NASCAR fantasy celebrity league
    418 ratings rating ratings
    Alyssa Milano, enceinte : Radieuse en compagnie des stars en famille
    385 ratings rating ratings
    Pictured back row left to right: coach Laura Ewert, Jaymie Capron, Charli Johnston, Jazz Taylor, Ellen Fallis, Taylor Fiedler, Veronica Fuller-Evans, coach Gillian Sanders; front row: coach Sean Whalen, Jayden Mahoney, Cheyenne Mawby, McKayla Carr-Weeks, Leah Ewert, Sophie Skeath, Alyssa Black
    353 ratings rating ratings
    Big Buzz: South Carolina reports cookie violation; Alyssa Arce is Foxy
    321 ratings rating ratings
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    Translations of Alyssa

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    Trending news on Alyssa

    Mannford's Alyssa Jerome is the latest Tulsa World spring sports female athlete of the week
    Listen Mannford's Alyssa Jerome is the latest Tulsa World spring sports female athlete of the week pronunciation
    Cleared nine feet to win the Tulsa 7 Conference pole vault championship in Bristow last Saturday and is undefeated in seven meet this season. Went 10-6 at Miami and Stroud, tied with several..View article
    Tulsa World Tulsa World
    Alyssa B. Brion
    Listen Alyssa B. Brion pronunciation
    If you are Alyssa Brion and would like to add insurances you accept, please update your free profile at Doximity. If you are Alyssa Brion and would like to add your Hospital Affiliations, pl..View article
    U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report
    Alyssa Luna earns a starting spot on Irrigon's baseball team
    Listen Alyssa Luna earns a starting spot on Irrigon's baseball team pronunciation
    When high school softball was canceled in the spring of 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Irrigon’s Alyssa Luna shed a few tears.
    East Oregonian East Oregonian
    This is Alyssa Wray, our local 'American Idol' top 10 contestant
    Listen This is Alyssa Wray, our local 'American Idol' top 10 contestant pronunciation
    Alyssa Wray, an NKU freshman, continues to advance through the rounds of “American Idol.” So, we decided to have a chat with her.
    Cincinnati Enquirer on MSN.com Cincinnati Enquirer on MSN.com
    NKU student Alyssa Wray reflects on American Idol journey
    Listen NKU student Alyssa Wray reflects on American Idol journey pronunciation
    One of Kentucky's own came close to tasting victory on this season of American Idol. While her time on the show is now over, Northern Kentucky University student Alyssa Wray certainly made m..View article
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