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Pronunciation of azerbaijan with 10 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : æzə(r)baɪˈ(d)ʒɑːn
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Meanings for azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a country located in eastern Transcaucasia, southwestern Asia with a population of 99.8 lakhs.
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Quiz on azerbaijan


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Collections on azerbaijan

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Wiki content for azerbaijan

Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan (UK: (listen), US: ; Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan [ɑːzæɾbɑjˈd͡ʒɑn]), officially the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Respublikası [ɑːzæɾbɑjˈd͡ʒɑn ɾespublikɑˈsɯ]), is a c
Azerbaijani language - Azerbaijani () or Azeri (), sometimes also Azerbaijani Turkic or less commonly referred to as Azerbaijani Turkish, is a term referring to two Turkic lects (North Azerbaijani and South Azerbai
Azerbaijanis - Azerbaijanis () or Azeris (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycanlılar آذربایجانلیلار‎, Azərilər آذریلر‎) are a Turkic people living mainly in the Iranian region of Azerbaijan and the sovereign (former Sovi
Azerbaijan (Iran) - Azerbaijan or Azarbaijan (Persian: آذربایجان‎, Āzarbāijān [ɒːzærbɒjdʒɒːn]; Azerbaijani: آذربایجان‎, Āzerbāyjān [ɑzærbɑjdʒɑn]), also known as Iranian Azerbaijan, is a historical region in nort
Azerbaijani Armed Forces - The Armed Forces of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri) were re-established according to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Armed Forces from 9 October 1991. The
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Examples of in a sentence

Azerbaijan accuses another rights activist of espionage
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Azerbaijan to hold parliamentary elections on Feb. 9
Listen Azerbaijan to hold parliamentary elections on Feb. 9 pronunciation
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Azerbaijan plants 650,000 trees to celebrate poet - but green activists grumble
Listen Azerbaijan plants 650,000 trees to celebrate poet - but green activists grumble pronunciation
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Azerbaijan to hold snap parliamentary election on February 9
Listen Azerbaijan to hold snap parliamentary election on February 9 pronunciation
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Azerbaijan's President Sets Snap Parliamentary Elections For February
Listen Azerbaijan's President Sets Snap Parliamentary Elections For February pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of azerbaijan

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Trending news on azerbaijan

No Progress in Armenia-Azerbaijan Talks
Listen No Progress in Armenia-Azerbaijan Talks pronunciation
The foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan met in the Slovak capital of Bratislava on Wednesday to discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process and after a reported three an..View article
Asbarez Asbarez
Azerbaijan Violated Karabakh Ceasefire 140 Times Last Week
Listen Azerbaijan Violated Karabakh Ceasefire 140 Times Last Week pronunciation
Azerbaijan violated the Karabakh ceasefire 140 times last week, firing more than 1,500 rounds of small caliber arms, this according to the Artsakh Ministry of Defense.
No one will fit Artsakh’s self-determination right to Azerbaijan’s taste and perception: Karen Bekaryan
Listen No one will fit Artsakh’s self-determination right to Azerbaijan’s taste and perception: Karen Bekaryan pronunciation
They say such solution is necessary which must be acceptable for the people of Armenia, Artsakh and Azerbaijan. But the right is not in the field of taste. No one will fit the Artsakh right..View article
aysor.am aysor.am
Expert warns authorities against the rising propaganda war of Azerbaijan
Listen Expert warns authorities against the rising propaganda war of Azerbaijan pronunciation
“The propaganda war launched by Azerbaijan is active in all directions and involves equally state, expert and media platforms,” Expert in Azerbaijan Anzhela Elibekova stated on Saturday at “..View article
Panorama Panorama
Over 300 candidates under age of 20 registered for municipal elections in Azerbaijan
Listen Over 300 candidates under age of 20 registered for municipal elections in Azerbaijan pronunciation
The Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan has presented an interim report in connection with the municipal elections to be held in the country Feb. 9, 2020, Trend reports D..View article
Azer News Azer News
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