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Brian may

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Meanings for Brian may

An English musician, who gained recognition for his album song "Back to the Light".
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Wiki content for Brian may

Brian May - Brian Harold May, (born 19 July 1947) is an English musician, singer, songwriter and astrophysicist. He is the lead guitarist of the rock band Queen.
Brian May (Australian composer) - Brian May (28 July 1934 – 25 April 1997) was an Australian film composer and conductor who was a prominent figure during the Australian New Wave.
Brian May discography - This is a discography of works by the musician Brian May as a solo artist. For information about recordings made by Queen see Queen discography.
Brian Mays - Brian Mays, Brian Maye, Brian Mayes, Brian May, or variation, may refer to:
Brian Mayes (cricketer) - Brian Mayes (born 11 April 1950) is an English former cricketer who made one List A cricket appearance for Suffolk County Cricket Club in 1980.
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Examples of in a sentence

Queen's Brian May on Adam Lambert: 'I Think He's Woken Us Up'
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Brian May Says He ‘Could Have Died’ After Suffering Heart Attack In Wake of Gardening Accident
Listen Brian May Says He ‘Could Have Died’ After Suffering Heart Attack In Wake of Gardening Accident pronunciation
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Queen guitarist Brian May recovering after heart attack
Listen Queen guitarist Brian May recovering after heart attack pronunciation
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Brian May says he was 'very near death' after a heart attack
Listen Brian May says he was 'very near death' after a heart attack pronunciation
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Queen’s Brian May Reveals He Was ‘Very Near Death’ Following Gardening Accident & Heart Attack
Listen Queen’s Brian May Reveals He Was ‘Very Near Death’ Following Gardening Accident & Heart Attack pronunciation
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Trending news on Brian may

Queen guitarist Brian May suffers a heart attack
Listen Queen guitarist Brian May suffers a heart attack pronunciation
Queen guitarist, Brian May, is revealing he suffered a heart attack. He opened up about his recent medical emergency in a video on Instagram.
Queen guitarist Brian May reveals heart attack, says he was ’very near death’
Listen Queen guitarist Brian May reveals heart attack, says he was ’very near death’ pronunciation
Brian May, the shaggy-haired guitarist from the classic rock band Queen, revealed Monday he suffered a heart attack earlier this month that could have killed him.
Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune
Queen Guitarist Brian May Reveals Recent Heart Attack, Says He’s Good Now
Listen Queen Guitarist Brian May Reveals Recent Heart Attack, Says He’s Good Now pronunciation
Queen guitarist Brian May says he recently had three stents put in after experiencing “a small heart attack.” May said Monday in an Instagram video that the stents were put in after his doct..View article
NBC New York NBC New York
Queen’s Brian May ‘Grateful’ to Recover After Suffering Heart Attack
Listen Queen’s Brian May ‘Grateful’ to Recover After Suffering Heart Attack pronunciation
Queen guitarist Brian May revealed he’s recovering after suffering a heart attack that he called a “near-death experience.” In a video posted to Instagram on Sunday night, May
Variety Variety
Brian May was 'near death' after suffering heart attack while gardening
Listen Brian May was 'near death' after suffering heart attack while gardening pronunciation
The Queen guitarist said doctors found three blocked arteries after he experienced a ‘small’ heart attack
The Guardian The Guardian
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