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Wiki content for Clarice

Clarice - Clarice is a given name of Latin and Greek origin. The "Clarice" spelling is the Germanic variant of the Latin Clarus (bright, clear, famous) and the Greek Clarissa (brilliant).
Clarice Lispector - Clarice Lispector (December 10, 1920 – December 9, 1977) was a Brazilian novelist and short story writer acclaimed internationally for her innovative novels and short stories.
Clarice Cliff - Clarice Cliff (20 January 1899 – 23 October 1972) was an English ceramic artist active from 1922 to 1963. She became a ceramic artist, becoming the head of the factory artistic department.
Clarice Assad - Clarice Assad is a Brazilian-American composer, pianist, arranger and singer from Rio de Janeiro. She is influenced by popular Brazilian culture, Romanticism, world music and Jazz.
Clarice Beckett - Clarice Marjoribanks Beckett (21 March 1887 – 7 July 1935) was an Australian tonalist painter whose works are featured in the collections of the National Gallery of Australia, National Galler
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Examples of in a sentence

Daphne Clarice SOWTON
Listen Daphne Clarice SOWTON pronunciation
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Clarice E. Brandt
Listen Clarice E. Brandt pronunciation
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Clarice I. Littel
Listen Clarice I. Littel pronunciation
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Between Sea and Sky: A portrait of Clarice Beckett
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Silence of the Lambs: Gary Fineout is to Jack Crawford as I am to Clarice Starling
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Clarice I. Littel
Listen Clarice I. Littel pronunciation
MONONA/STOUGHTON-Clarice I. Littel, age 93, of Monona, passed away on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019, at Heritage Memory Care. She was born on Nov. 21, 1925, in Stoughton, the daughter of Sanford a..View article
Pet of the week: Adopt Clarice, a 1-year-old spayed female
Say hello to Clarice, our newest Pet of the Week! Miss Clarice is a 1-year-old spayed female who loves nothing more than being wherever the people are. If her adorable face and big doe eyes..View article
LancasterOnline LancasterOnline
Clarice E. Brandt
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Clarice E. Brandt, 94, of Winona died Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019, at Sauer Health Care in Winona. She was born May 30, 1925, in Fillmore County, Minnesota, to Louis and Inga (Jenson) Sorum. She..View article
Winona Daily News Winona Daily News
Daphne Clarice SOWTON
Listen Daphne Clarice SOWTON pronunciation
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on o..View article
image-unavailable The Weekly Times
Clarice’s Pieces will return next Sunday
Listen Clarice’s Pieces will return next Sunday pronunciation
Clarice Feldman, like many Americans, is traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday. But she will be back to delight our readers next week with her inimitable wit and wisdom.
American Thinker American Thinker
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