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Wiki content for Dinesh

Dinesh - Dhinesh (Devanagari: दिनेश dineśa) is a common Hindu male given name. The Sanskrit word dhineśa is a compound of dina 'day' and īśa 'lord', meaning 'day-lord', an epithet of the Sun.
Dinesh D'Souza - Dinesh Joseph D'Souza (; born April 25, 1961) is an Indian-born American conservative political commentator, author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist, often described as a far right provoca
Dinesh Karthik - Dinesh Karthik (born 1 June 1985) is an Indian wicket-keeper-batsman who made his debut for the Indian cricket team in 2004. He is the captain of the Indian Premier League team, Kolkata Knigh
Dinesh Subasinghe - Dinesh Subasinghe (born 10 July 1979, Colombo) is a Sri Lankan composer, violinist, and music producer.
Dinesh Lal Yadav - Dinesh Lal Yadav (born 2 February 1979) also known as Nirahua, is an Indian anchor, Bhojpuri film actor, singer, film producer, television presenter, and politician.
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Examples of in a sentence

UP Deputy CM Dinesh Sharma says, 'SP, BSP and Congress are playing appeasement game'
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Dinesh Gunawardena to be Leader of the House
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UP Dy CM Dinesh Sharma Hits Back At Priyanka Vadra Over Saffron Remark
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Switzerland confirmed their confidence in Sri Lanka - Dinesh
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Trending news on Dinesh

Dinesh Gunawardena appointed as the Leader of the House
COLOMBO (News 1st) – Minister Dinesh Gunawardena has been appointed as the Leader of the House of Parliament at the United People’s Freedom Alliance parliamentary group meeting today. Johnst..View article
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Dinesh nominated as Leader of the House, Johnston Chief Govt. Whip
The government parliamentary group which met today has nominated Foreign Relations Minister Dinesh Gunawardane as the Leader of the House. Meanwhile, Ports and Shipping Minister Johnston Fer..View article
The Daily Mirror The Daily Mirror
Dinesh Ginawardhne Leader of The House - Jhonston Fernando Chief Government Whip
Government Parliamentary group unanimously elected Ministers Dinesh Ginawardhne as the Leader of The House and Jhonston Fernando as the Chief Government Whip.
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Switzerland confirmed their confidence in Sri Lanka - Dinesh
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dinesh Gunawardena says that Switzerland is very pleased with the manner in which the Government of Sri Lanka has dealt with the incident of the Swiss embassy sta..View article
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Ministers Dinesh Gunawardana and Johnston Fernando have been named as the Leader of the House and the Government Chief Whip respectively. Parliament sources stated that the Prime Minister ha..View article
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