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    Meanings for Elisa

    A feminine name meaning "God is a promise," or anything positive about God as the name traces to Italian, Greek, and Hebrew culture and history. The name used to be a shortened version of Elizabeth or Elisabeth.
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    an assay that relies on an enzymatic conversion reaction and is used to detect the presence of specific substances (such as enzymes or viruses or antibodies or bacteria)
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    Wiki content for Elisa

    Elizabeth II - Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) is the queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms.Elizabeth was born in London as the first child of the Duke an
    Elizabeth I of England - Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death on 24 March 1603. Sometimes called the Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Que
    Elizabeth Taylor - Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor (February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011) was a British-American actress, businesswoman, and humanitarian.
    Elizabeth Warren - Elizabeth Ann Warren (née Herring; born June 22, 1949) is an American politician and former academic, serving as the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts since 2013. She was former
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Elisa, Relog Media, Funspark Unite To Form A $2.7m CS:GO Tournament
    Listen Elisa, Relog Media, Funspark Unite To Form A $2.7m CS:GO Tournament pronunciation
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    Elisa makes steady progress in Estonia
    Listen Elisa makes steady progress in Estonia pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Elisa Barkan
    Listen Elisa Barkan pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Elisa, Relog Media, FunSpark join forces to form $2.7 million CS:GO event circuit
    Listen Elisa, Relog Media, FunSpark join forces to form $2.7 million CS:GO event circuit pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Can Physical Safety Applications be Addressed by Open Source Software Systems? The Linux Foundation's ELISA Project Says Yes
    Listen Can Physical Safety Applications be Addressed by Open Source Software Systems? The Linux Foundation's ELISA Project Says Yes pronunciation
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    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Elisa

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    Trending news on Elisa

    Dr. Elisa Mello & Dr. Ramin Tabib Founded NYC Smile Design In New York City with An Independent Approach to Cosmetic Dentistry
    Listen Dr. Elisa Mello & Dr. Ramin Tabib Founded NYC Smile Design In New York City with An Independent Approach to Cosmetic Dentistry pronunciation
    With hard work and success Dr. Tabib & Dr. Mello’s passion has made him a member of many dental organizations today, with a true commitment to advanced education, he also participates active..View article
    image-unavailable Laweekly
    Women Of Influence : Attorneys - Elisa Paster
    Listen Women Of Influence : Attorneys - Elisa Paster pronunciation
    Elisa Paster is a committed advocate to the development of housing in Los Angeles, through her work as a land use attorney, her volunteer work with affordable housing organizations, and as a..View article
    image-unavailable Los Angeles Business Journal
    Brookdale's Elisa Masiero Selected Top Community College Student in New Jersey
    Listen Brookdale's Elisa Masiero Selected Top Community College Student in New Jersey pronunciation
    Brookdale Community College student Elisa Masiero has been named a 2021 New Century Workforce Scholar and will receive a $1,250 scholarship sponsored by The Coca-Cola
    TAPinto TAPinto
    FTC Recommends Best Practices to Protect Against Discriminatory AI; Elisa Jillson Quoted
    Listen FTC Recommends Best Practices to Protect Against Discriminatory AI; Elisa Jillson Quoted pronunciation
    FTC enforces the Fair Credit Reporting Act, section 5 of the FTC Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act to help protect against the use of biased algorithms, Elisa Jillson, an attorney at FTC’..View article
    Executive Gov Executive Gov
    5 minutes with … Elisa Sartori at Webb Yates Engineers
    Listen 5 minutes with … Elisa Sartori at Webb Yates Engineers pronunciation
    Less is more for the associate at Webb Yates who was educated in Italy, is inspired by Renzo Piano and refuses to reveal her secret skill
    Building Building
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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