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Pronunciation of elvira with 8 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of elvira

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Meanings for elvira

Meaning of the name Elvira is White
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Spanish meaning of the name Elvira is Truth
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Wiki content for elvira

Elvira - Elvira is a female given name. First recorded in medieval Spain, it is likely of Germanic (Gothic) origin.
Elvira's Movie Macabre - Elvira's Movie Macabre (or sometimes simply Movie Macabre) is an American comedy television show that airs B-grade horror movies, occasionally interrupted by comments from the hostess, Elvira
Elvira Hancock - Elvira Hancock is a fictional character in the 1983 American mob film Scarface, portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer.
Elvira (song) - "Elvira" is a song written and originally performed by Dallas Frazier in 1966. Though a minor hit for Frazier at the time of release, the song became a bigger and much more famous country an
Elvira "Pixie" Palladino - Elvira "Pixie" Palladino ( n.d., 1932- August 31, 2006) was an American politician from Boston, Massachusetts, best known for her affiliation with Restore Our Alienated Rights (ROAR) and her
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Examples of in a sentence

7/9-11 Elvira Street Palmyra WA 6157
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EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Elvira is fed up with covens in ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK #11
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Elvira wastewater project moves forward
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Obituary: Elvira Boldt
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Russian Synchronized Swimmer Elvira Khasyanova To Be Inducted Into International Swimming Hall of Fame Class of 2020
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Trending news on elvira

Russia’s Central Bank Is Reportedly Testing Several Stablecoins, Head of Reserve Bank Elvira Nabiullina Confirms
Head of the Russian reserve bank, Elvira Nabiullina, says that the institution does not assume that those stablecoins will be able to serve as an effective mode of payment or become a legiti..View article
Crowdfund Insider Crowdfund Insider
Black Sheep Comedy -- Elvira Kurt Edition at Junction Craft Brewing
Join Black Sheep Comedy for an awesome night of standup with comedy legend, gay icon and freakin’ national treasure Elvira Kurt (too many credits to mention)! With Rhiannon Archer, Michael M..View article
toronto.com toronto.com
Russian Synchronized Swimmer Elvira Khasyanova To Be Inducted Into International Swimming Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Khasyanova announced her retirement in November 2012 and began a new role, working with Special Olympics as the Director of Northern Europe and the Russia Region until she came to the United..View article
Swimming World Swimming World
Elvira wastewater project moves forward
CLINTON – The Clinton County Board of Supervisors approved a motion Monday to allow French Reneker to provide bid letting services in regard to an Elvira wastewater systems project. The Supe..View article
Clinton Herald Clinton Herald
Obituary: Elvira Boldt
Elvira Boldt of Prescott Valley, Arizona, passed away peacefully on December 23rd at her daughter’s home in Thornton, Colorado. She is survived by Eric, her husband of 45 years; two daughter..View article
The Daily Courier The Daily Courier
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elvira pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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