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Phonetic spelling of HAVILLAND

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Meanings for HAVILLAND

Geoffrey de Havilland founded a leading American Aerospace company in 1920 that delivers Civil and military aircraft and engines.
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Wiki content for HAVILLAND

Havilland de Sausmarez - Sir Havilland Walter de Sausmarez, 1st Baronet (30 May 1861 – 5 March 1941) was a judge of various British colonial or consular courts in Africa and Asia, the Ottoman Empire and China.
Havilland Hall - Havilland Hall is the largest privately owned estate on the island of Guernsey, and lies close to Saint Peter Port.The current house was built in 1830 for Lt Col Thomas de Havilland.It is hom
Havilland Le Mesurier - Commissary-General Havilland Le Mesurier (1758-1806) was a British merchant and commissary officer who also published on military matters.He was born on 8 May 1758 in Guernsey.
Havilland Le Mesurier (British Army officer, born 1783) - Colonel Havilland Le Mesurier (1783 - 31 July 1813) was a British army officer. He was the eldest son of merchant and commissary officer Havilland Le Mesurier and his wife Elizabeth Dobrée (?
Havilland Point - Havilland Point (63°55′S 60°14′W) is a point 2 nautical miles (4 km) east of Cape Page forming the east side of the entrance to Vinitsa Cove and the west side of the entrance to Lanchester Ba
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Translations of HAVILLAND

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