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Meanings for Healesville

A town that is situated in Australia, has a minimal population density.
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Wiki content for Healesville

Healesville, Victoria - Healesville is a town in Victoria, Australia, 52 km north-east from Melbourne's central business district.
Healesville Sanctuary - Healesville Sanctuary, formally known as the Sir Colin MacKenzie Sanctuary, is a zoo specialising in native Australian animals.
Healesville railway line - The Healesville railway line, in Melbourne, Australia, was the non-electrified continuation of the suburban Lilydale line, extending into the Yarra Valley.
Healesville railway station - Healesville is a railway station in Victoria, Australia. Formerly the terminus of the Healesville railway line, it is currently the principal station of the Yarra Valley Railway.
Healesville Freeway - The Healesville Freeway was a proposed freeway in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. It was initially proposed in 1969, to run between Riversdale Road in Box Hill South, intersecti

Examples of in a sentence

Healesville primary school under fire for cancelling city camp in wake of Bourke Street attack
Listen Healesville primary school under fire for cancelling city camp in wake of Bourke Street attack pronunciation
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World’s oldest known platypus celebrates birthday at Healesville Sanctuary today
Listen World’s oldest known platypus celebrates birthday at Healesville Sanctuary today pronunciation
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Our Top Picks for Hop Fest at Healesville Sanctuary
Listen Our Top Picks for Hop Fest at Healesville Sanctuary pronunciation
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The day a French force came to Healesville and introduced us to our neighbours
Listen The day a French force came to Healesville and introduced us to our neighbours pronunciation
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How Healesville helped an ailing echidna lick its ant allergy
Listen How Healesville helped an ailing echidna lick its ant allergy pronunciation
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Translations of Healesville

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Trending news on Healesville

Healesville primary school under fire for cancelling city camp in wake of Bourke Street attack
Listen Healesville primary school under fire for cancelling city camp in wake of Bourke Street attack pronunciation
A school in Victoria’s Yarra Valley has come under fire for cancelling a city camp for students in the wake of Friday’s Bourke Street terror attack, contradicting ...
The Australian The Australian
World’s oldest known platypus celebrates birthday at Healesville Sanctuary today
Listen World’s oldest known platypus celebrates birthday at Healesville Sanctuary today pronunciation
The world’s oldest known platypus is celebrating its 25th birthday at Healesville Sanctuary today. Dr Jessica Thomas, platypus keeper at Healesville Sanctuary told Ross and John they think F..View article
Our Top Picks for Hop Fest at Healesville Sanctuary
Listen Our Top Picks for Hop Fest at Healesville Sanctuary pronunciation
But have you tried sipping a malty, hoppy brew while also watching a majestic wedge-tailed eagle take flight? Healesville Sanctuary is offering just that with Hop Fest, which is held over th..View article
Broadsheet Broadsheet
The day a French force came to Healesville and introduced us to our neighbours
Listen The day a French force came to Healesville and introduced us to our neighbours pronunciation
On Thursday, November 29, 1917, 800 poilus - "hairy ones", as French infantrymen were known - arrived by train at Healesville, in the Yarra Valley. It had been a hectic few days since their..View article
image-unavailable The Age
How Healesville helped an ailing echidna lick its ant allergy
Listen How Healesville helped an ailing echidna lick its ant allergy pronunciation
She wanted to live in her burrow and suck up ants with the help of her long, sticky tongue. But she was allergic to ants. Healesville Sanctuary believes this may have been the first ant alle..View article
image-unavailable The Sydney Morning Herald
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