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    Meanings for Hewitt

    It's the surname of a former popular Australian tennis player, who ranked in the top position globally.
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    Wiki content for Hewitt

    Hewitt - Hewitt may refer to:
    Hewitt-Trussville High School - Hewitt-Trussville High School (HTHS) is a four-year public high school in the Birmingham, Alabama suburb of Trussville.
    Hewitt Associates - Hewitt Associates was an American provider of human capital and management consulting services. It operated 500 offices in 120 countries providing consulting, outsourcing, and insurance broke
    Hewitt School - The Hewitt School is an all girls independent K-12 school in New York City, New York. The school serves girls in three divisions: Lower School (K-4), Middle School (5-8), and Upper School (9-
    Hewitt, Texas - Hewitt is a city in McLennan County, Texas, United States. The population was 13,368 at the 2010 census.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Although the theories of Meyer and Hewitt do not explain (in their present form) the behaviour of anthranilic acid, yet Hewitt has shown that his theory goes far to explain the fluorescence of substances in which a double symmetrical tautomerism is possible.
    277 ratings rating ratings
    Davis Cup: Lleyton Hewitt reveals collarbone injury was to blame for Nick Kyrgios' late withdrawal
    Listen Davis Cup: Lleyton Hewitt reveals collarbone injury was to blame for Nick Kyrgios' late withdrawal pronunciation
    257 ratings rating ratings
    I had no choice over Kyrgios, says Hewitt
    Listen I had no choice over Kyrgios, says Hewitt pronunciation
    237 ratings rating ratings
    Hewitt explains Kyrgios call but questions remain after Aussie Davis Cup heartbreak
    Listen Hewitt explains Kyrgios call but questions remain after Aussie Davis Cup heartbreak pronunciation
    217 ratings rating ratings
    Hewitt wary of undermanned Canadian side
    Listen Hewitt wary of undermanned Canadian side pronunciation
    198 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Hewitt

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    Trending news on Hewitt

    I had no choice over Kyrgios, says Hewitt
    Listen I had no choice over Kyrgios, says Hewitt pronunciation
    Lleyton Hewitt insists he had no choice but to play John Millman in the Davis Cup quarter-final defeat by Canada following Nick Kyrgios's late scratching. Hopes of a first success since 2003..View article
    The Canberra Times The Canberra Times
    Hewitt explains Kyrgios call but questions remain after Aussie Davis Cup heartbreak
    Listen Hewitt explains Kyrgios call but questions remain after Aussie Davis Cup heartbreak pronunciation
    Australian captain Lleyton Hewitt says a collarbone injury was the reason Nick Kyrgios did not play in the opening singles rubber in Friday’s Davis Cup quarter-final defeat to Canada. Austra..View article
    Fox Sports Fox Sports
    Hewitt wary of undermanned Canadian side
    Listen Hewitt wary of undermanned Canadian side pronunciation
    Australia skipper Lleyton Hewitt admits he's not sure what Canada team his Davis Cup side will face in Friday's quarter-final in Madrid. The Canadians were rocked by an injury to Milos Raoni..View article
    The Canberra Times The Canberra Times
    Hewitt 50th anniversary
    Listen Hewitt 50th anniversary pronunciation
    Steve and Dona Hewitt of Liberty celebrated their 50th anniversary with two cruises this year. One was a family cruise to Alaska in May and the other was a Northern Europe cruise in October...View article
    The Vindicator The Vindicator
    Hull Pirates' Jason Hewitt hits rivals for six while Sheffield Steeldogs and Leeds Chiefs draw blank
    Listen Hull Pirates' Jason Hewitt hits rivals for six while Sheffield Steeldogs and Leeds Chiefs draw blank pronunciation
    IF ever a player-coach embodied true leadership, Jason Hewitt showed that in abundance at the weekend. Two games, two hat-tricks. More importantly - four points. TOUGH TIME: Sheffield Steeld..View article
    The Yorkshire Post The Yorkshire Post
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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