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Phonetic spelling of Hiram

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Meanings for Hiram

He was the Phoenician king of Tyre who was known for bravely ruling his country.
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Wiki content for Hiram

Hiram - Hiram may refer to:
Hiram Maxim - Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim (5 February 1840 – 24 November 1916) was an American-born British inventor best known as the creator of the first portable fully automatic machine gun, the Maxim gun.
Hiram Monserrate - Hiram Monserrate (born July 12, 1967) is a New York politician who served time in prison following a plea of guilty to federal corruption charges.
Hiram Rhodes Revels - Hiram Rhodes Revels (September 27, 1827 – January 16, 1901) was a Republican U.S. Senator, minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and a college administrator.
Hiram Clarke, Houston - Hiram Clarke is an area in Houston, Texas, United States, southwest of NRG Park (formerly Reliant Park).
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Examples of in a sentence

Chamber cuts ribbon on Hiram Shaddox Health and Rehab
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Hiram Christmas Tree Lighting 2019: Date, Location, More
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Riverdale Round Table: Why Did Hermione Take Back Hiram?!
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‘Riverdale’s Mark Consuelos Reveals Hiram & Hermione’s ‘Love’ Will Be Explored In Season 4
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Hiram Walker and the Reclamation of Canadian Whisky
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Translations of Hiram

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Trending news on Hiram

"Elvis" leading Hiram tree lighting and Dallas hosting parade to bring in Paulding's Christmas season
Hiram’s 14th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting is set for Friday, Dec. 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. in downtown Hiram. ♦ The 27th Annual Invitational Dallas Christmas Parade is set for Saturday, Dec. 7,..View article
Marietta Daily Journal Marietta Daily Journal
Hiram Walker and the Reclamation of Canadian Whisky
Canadian whisky, as a subject, is a whole lot more complex than meets the eye. Many of these things, I discovered in the course of a recent press trip to the Hiram Walker and Sons Ltd. disti..View article
Paste Paste
Dead newborn baby found in Hiram College dorm bathroom
HIRAM, Ohio — A dead newborn baby was found in a garbage bag in a Hiram College dorm bathroom Friday morning, according to the college and the Ohio attorney general’s office, which is helpin..View article
The Plain Dealer The Plain Dealer
Hiram Christmas Tree Lighting 2019: Date, Location, More
Hiram's 14th annual Christmas Tree Lighting is planned at 8 p.m. Dec. 6. (Shutterstock) HIRAM, GA — Kick off the holiday season in Hiram at the city's annual Christmas Tree Lighting, a free,..View article
USA Patch USA Patch
Phew. Mt. Cutler in Hiram has (finally) been conserved
From Ingalls Pond on Maine Route 113, a couple miles south of Hiram village, travelers are afforded a good look at the southeastern flanks of Mt. Cutler, which rises 800 feet above the Saco..View article
Portland Press Herald Portland Press Herald
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