Interesting facts about circular motion thumbnail
Interesting facts about circular motion thumbnail

Interesting facts about circular motion

1st - University grade
Played 10 times
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Preview (10 questions)
1 Question
30 seconds

What would be the velocity vector of a particle moving in a circle subtending equal angles at equal times?

Changes in direction

Remains constant

Changes in magnitude

Changes both in direction and magnitude

2 Question
30 seconds

What is a constant velocity moving in a circular path with constant velocity?

Acceleration of constant magnitude

Constant velocity

Constant acceleration

Object under uniform circular motion

3 Question
30 seconds

When a motorcyclist travels in a circular path at constant speed?

Linear velocity is constant

Constant acceleration

Angular velocity is constant

Constant angular velocity

4 Question
30 seconds

What causes a car traveling on a horizontal road to be thrown off the road?

Changes in direction

Linear velocity is constant

Angular velocity is constant

Lack of sufficient centripetal force

5 Question
30 seconds

What is a body moving in a circle with constant velocity?

No work is done on it

There is no acceleration produced in the body

No force acts on the body

Uniform circular motion

6 Question
30 seconds

What is a tachometer device for measuring?

Gravitational pull

Rotation speed of a shaft

Surface tension

Tension in a spring

7 Question
30 seconds

What force keeps a body in circular motion?

Centripetal force

Centrifugal force

Force of gravity

Reaction forces

8 Question
30 seconds

Which position in vertical circular motion is the tension in the string minimum?


Lowest point

Highest point


9 Question
30 seconds

What is the angular displacement covered in 0.5s?

5.5 rad

4.4 rad

7.7 rad

8.8 rad

10 Question
30 seconds

Which one of the following forces does it not experience?

Force of gravity

Centripetal force

Normal reaction force

Centrifugal force