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Phonetic spelling of Iyengar

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Meanings for Iyengar

It refers to the ethnoreligious people of Tamil brahmins.
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Examples of in a sentence

Union Bank Of India B. V. K Iyengar Road Bangalore IFSC & Branch Info
Listen Union Bank Of India B. V. K Iyengar Road Bangalore IFSC & Branch Info pronunciation
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Abhishek Iyengar takes to podcasts on theatre
Listen Abhishek Iyengar takes to podcasts on theatre pronunciation
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Amrutha Iyengar turns water baby in her latest pictures
Listen Amrutha Iyengar turns water baby in her latest pictures pronunciation
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Indoo Ki Jawani producers Ryan Stephen and Niranjan Iyengar on releasing the film in theatres
Listen Indoo Ki Jawani producers Ryan Stephen and Niranjan Iyengar on releasing the film in theatres pronunciation
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TV Sundaram Iyengar: A business leader with a socialist vision
Listen TV Sundaram Iyengar: A business leader with a socialist vision pronunciation
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Translations of Iyengar

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Trending news on Iyengar

Union Bank Of India B. V. K Iyengar Road Bangalore IFSC & Branch Info
Listen Union Bank Of India B. V. K Iyengar Road Bangalore IFSC & Branch Info pronunciation
The IFSC Code of Union Bank Of India B. V. K Iyengar Road Bangalore branch is UBIN0539538. The branch is located in Bangalore Urban district of Karnataka. For address and phone numbers, scro..View article
image-unavailable Prokerala
Abhishek Iyengar takes to podcasts on theatre
Listen Abhishek Iyengar takes to podcasts on theatre pronunciation
Some others, like Abhishek Iyengar, have been making the most to share some of their tales and experiences from their career thus far using the digital medium in the most effective ways.
image-unavailable Indiatimes
Indoo Ki Jawani producers Ryan Stephen and Niranjan Iyengar on releasing the film in theatres
Listen Indoo Ki Jawani producers Ryan Stephen and Niranjan Iyengar on releasing the film in theatres pronunciation
Mid-Day, in an interview with producers Niranjan Iyengar and Ryan Stephen, discussed how they weigh in on their decision in hindsight. Iyengar tells us, "We were aware of all the realities w..View article
image-unavailable Mid Day
TV Sundaram Iyengar: A business leader with a socialist vision
Listen TV Sundaram Iyengar: A business leader with a socialist vision pronunciation
The formalisation of the agreement to splinter the $8.5-billion TV Sundaram Iyengar and Sons Ltd, popularly known as the TVS Group, into a clutch of independent firms free of a holding compa..View article
image-unavailable Business Line
Bend It Like Iyengar — That's The Message Of Today's #GoogleDoodle
Listen Bend It Like Iyengar — That's The Message Of Today's #GoogleDoodle pronunciation
Yogis might know. It's Bellur Krishnamachar Sundaraja (B.K.S.) Iyengar. Iyengar, who died in 2014, would have been 97 years old today. That's why he's getting the #GoogleDoodle treatment.
image-unavailable NPR

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