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Phonetic spelling of Janet

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Meanings for Janet

A female given name. As in Janet Jackson.
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Wiki content for Janet

Janet - Janet may refer to:
Janet Jackson - Janet Damita Jo Jackson (born May 16, 1966) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and dancer. A prominent figure in popular culture, she is known for sonically innovative, socially cons
Janet Leigh - Janet Leigh (born Jeanette Helen Morrison; July 6, 1927 – October 3, 2004) was an American actress, singer, dancer, and author.
Janet Napolitano - Janet Ann Napolitano (; born November 29, 1957) is an American politician, lawyer, and university administrator who served as the 21st Governor of Arizona from 2003 to 2009 and as the United
Janet (album) - Janet (stylized as janet.) is the fifth studio album by American singer Janet Jackson, released on May 18, 1993, by Virgin Records America.
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Examples of in a sentence

Janet Stoker
179 ratings rating ratings
Janet McCormick: Reese Cheesecake a masterpiece for your holiday table
Listen Janet McCormick: Reese Cheesecake a masterpiece for your holiday table pronunciation
165 ratings rating ratings
Janet Marble Photo
Listen Janet Marble Photo pronunciation
151 ratings rating ratings
Janet Yellen says 'there is good reason to worry' about the US economy sliding into recession
Listen Janet Yellen says 'there is good reason to worry' about the US economy sliding into recession pronunciation
137 ratings rating ratings
Janet Jackson stands in solidarity with TMT opponents
Listen Janet Jackson stands in solidarity with TMT opponents pronunciation
124 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Janet

Janet Marble Photo
Listen Janet Marble Photo pronunciation
However, we will be happy to accept obituaries from family members pending proper verification of the death. Janet Marble Photo DANVILLE — Janet Marie Marble, 87, of Danville passed away Mon..View article
The News-Gazette The News-Gazette
Janet Yellen says 'there is good reason to worry' about the US economy sliding into recession
Listen Janet Yellen says 'there is good reason to worry' about the US economy sliding into recession pronunciation
NEW YORK — Pronounced wealth inequality that has built up for decades poses a major threat to a U.S. economy that is in otherwise "excellent" shape, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen..View article
Janet Jackson stands in solidarity with TMT opponents
Listen Janet Jackson stands in solidarity with TMT opponents pronunciation
Wednesday night, Janet Jackson made a public statement standing in solidarity with Kia'i, or protectors, of Mauna Kea during her concert at the Blaisdell. During the concert she displayed ph..View article
Janet Jackson explains why the TMT protest is part of her Hawaii concerts
Listen Janet Jackson explains why the TMT protest is part of her Hawaii concerts pronunciation
HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - Janet Jackson’s latest round of Hawaii concerts features a moment where she and her dancers flash the two-handed sign used by protesters against the Thirty..View article
Janet Evanovich and the plot twist of success
Listen Janet Evanovich and the plot twist of success pronunciation
NEW YORK (AP) — More than 30 years and many millions of sales later, the story of her first book deal still makes Janet Evanovich cry. “I collected rejections for 10 years,” recalls Evanovic..View article
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