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Jimmy Carter

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Pronunciation of Jimmy Carter with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Jimmy Carter

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Meanings for Jimmy Carter

James Earl Carter is an American politician and philanthropist who served as the 39th president of the United States. He belongs to the Democratic Party.
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Synonyms for Jimmy Carter

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Quiz on Jimmy Carter


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Wiki content for Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter - James Earl Carter Jr. (born October 1, 1924) is an American politician and philanthropist who served as the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981. A member of the Democratic P
Jimmy Carter UFO incident - Jimmy Carter (US President 1977–1981) reported seeing an unidentified flying object while at Leary, Georgia, in 1969.
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site - The Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, located in Plains, Georgia, preserves sites associated with James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr.
Jimmy Carter rabbit incident - The Jimmy Carter rabbit incident, sensationalized as a "killer rabbit attack" by the press, involved a swamp rabbit that swam toward then–U.S.
Jimmy Carter Library and Museum - The Jimmy Carter Library and Museum in Atlanta, Georgia houses U.S. President Jimmy Carter's papers and other material relating to the Carter administration and the Carter family's life.
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Examples of in a sentence

Jimmy Carter's Sunday school teaching days appear to be over - a hard thing to fathom in Georgia
Listen Jimmy Carter's Sunday school teaching days appear to be over - a hard thing to fathom in Georgia pronunciation
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Jimmy Carter says the U.S. lags behind world in renewable energy
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Jimmy Carter Calls Out Climate Skeptic Nutcases
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‘Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President’: Film Review
Listen ‘Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President’: Film Review pronunciation
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Jimmy Carter says 'Joe Biden must be our next president'
Listen Jimmy Carter says 'Joe Biden must be our next president' pronunciation
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Translations of Jimmy Carter

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Trending news on Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter's Sunday school teaching days appear to be over - a hard thing to fathom in Georgia
Listen Jimmy Carter's Sunday school teaching days appear to be over - a hard thing to fathom in Georgia pronunciation
PLAINS, Ga. — One of the most beloved traditions of our region and state has quietly come to an end - former President Jimmy Carter, the world's best known Sunday school teacher, will no lon..View article
‘Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President’: Film Review
Listen ‘Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President’: Film Review pronunciation
A nostalgic documentary looks back at the first president to embrace rock 'n' roll — and to make it work for him. There’s a moment in Mary Wharton’s “Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President ...
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Jimmy Carter says 'Joe Biden must be our next president'
Listen Jimmy Carter says 'Joe Biden must be our next president' pronunciation
Former President Jimmy Carter made his first appearance at a presidential nominating convention in eight years. Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, addressed attendees at the virtual gathering Tu..View article
Jimmy Carter remarks at DNC
Listen Jimmy Carter remarks at DNC pronunciation
635 West Seventh Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45203 Main phone: (513) 421-1919 Newsroom: (513) 421-0119 Newsroom email: [email protected]
Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter address virtual DNC | WATCH
Listen Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter address virtual DNC | WATCH pronunciation
Former President Jimmy Carter and former first lady Rosalynn Carter speak during the second night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, Aug. 18. Former President Jimmy Carte..View article
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