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Meanings for kataifi

Greek honey and pastry confectionary
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It is a Greek dish that is made out of lemon scented kataifi dough, nuts, and clove.
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Trending news on kataifi

Almond and rose kataifi with watermelon salad and strawberry and ouzo sorbet
Listen Almond and rose kataifi with watermelon salad and strawberry and ouzo sorbet pronunciation
For almond paste, process almonds, sugar and 1 tablespoon water in a food processor to a coarse paste. Divide kataifi into six bundles. Working with one bundle at a time, brush heavily with..View article
image-unavailable Nine.com.au
Crispy Shrimp in Kataifi Crust
Listen Crispy Shrimp in Kataifi Crust pronunciation
He also wanted a crispy crust, so instead of vermicelli he uses kataifi dough, a Middle Eastern pastry that resembles shredded phyllo. More Shrimp Recipes In a small saucepan, combine the or..View article
image-unavailable Food & Wine
Ekmek kataifi
Listen Ekmek kataifi pronunciation
Kataifi is a string pastry resembling noodle-like strands. Topped here with a layer of vanilla custard and finished with cream and almonds. Before you begin this Kataifi Pastry recipe ...
image-unavailable SBS
Roasted Plum and Kataifi Shortcakes
Listen Roasted Plum and Kataifi Shortcakes pronunciation
Lightly butter a large baking sheet. On a work surface, gently fluff and separate the strands of the kataifi. Sprinkle with half of the butter and the sugar and cinnamon and toss gently to c..View article
image-unavailable Food & Wine

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