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Phonetic spelling of Khalil

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Meanings for Khalil

A common masculine name that is of Arabic origin and it means morning star.
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Quiz on Khalil


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Wiki content for Khalil

Khalil - Khalil, Khaleel or Khelil is an Arabic given name and surname. Khalil in Arabic means a dear person or a close person, A lover or a best friend.
Khalil Mack - Khalil Delshon Mack (born February 22, 1991) is an American football outside linebacker for the Chicago Bears of the National Football League (NFL).
Khalili Collections - The Khalili Collections comprise eight distinct art collections assembled by Nasser D. Khalili over five decades.
Khalil al-Wazir - Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir (Arabic: خليل إبراهيم الوزير‎, also known by his kunya Abu Jihad أبو جهاد—"Jihad's Father"; 10 October 1935 – 16 April 1988) was a Palestinian leader and co-founder o
Khalil Ramos - Khalil Joseph Nepomuceno Ramos (born January 22, 1996), known professionally as Khalil Ramos, is a Filipino actor and singer.
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Examples of in a sentence

Oakland Raiders need rookie Khalil Mack to be their cornerstone for future
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While in no way would I ever condone police violence, one cannot help but wonder how people like Savannah State student Khalil Brooks, quoted in Sunday's SMN story about the Ferguson shooting rally held downtown in Savannah as saying, "It's really bad how a lot of black people or males
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Translations of Khalil

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