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Wiki content for Maxine

Maxine - Maxine is a feminine given name which may refer to:
Maxine Waters - Maxine Moore Waters (née Carr, August 15, 1938) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California's 43rd congressional district since 2013. A member of the Democrati
Maxine Peake - Maxine Peake (born 14 July 1974) is an English actress. She is best known for her roles as Twinkle in dinnerladies and Veronica Ball in Shameless, barrister Martha Costello in the BBC legal d
Maxine Greene - Sarah Maxine Greene (née Meyer; December 23, 1917 – May 29, 2014) was an American educational philosopher, author, social activist, and teacher.
Maxine Jones - Maxine Jones (born January 16, 1965) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Jones is best known as a founding member of the R&B/Pop vocal group En Vogue, one of the world's best-sellin
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Examples of in a sentence

Maxine Waters’s side-eye as Jerry Nadler reads 2 articles of impeachment says it all
Listen Maxine Waters’s side-eye as Jerry Nadler reads 2 articles of impeachment says it all pronunciation
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Helen Maxine Tucker
Listen Helen Maxine Tucker pronunciation
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SEA Games: No hard feelings as Amita Berthier defeats room-mate Maxine Wong
Listen SEA Games: No hard feelings as Amita Berthier defeats room-mate Maxine Wong pronunciation
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Maxine Peake stars in NT: Live's The Welkin in Rhyl and Prestatyn
Listen Maxine Peake stars in NT: Live's The Welkin in Rhyl and Prestatyn pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Column: Why isn’t Rep. Maxine Walters accused of making racist comments?
Listen Column: Why isn’t Rep. Maxine Walters accused of making racist comments? pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Maxine

Maxine Peake stars in NT: Live's The Welkin in Rhyl and Prestatyn
Listen Maxine Peake stars in NT: Live's The Welkin in Rhyl and Prestatyn pronunciation
VENERABLE actress Maxine Peake will tread the boards once again in a bold and gripping new play in Prestatyn and Rhyl. Set in Rural Suffolk in 1759, Lucy Kirkwood's play finds country in wai..View article
The Argus The Argus
SEA Games: No hard feelings as Amita Berthier defeats room-mate Maxine Wong
Listen SEA Games: No hard feelings as Amita Berthier defeats room-mate Maxine Wong pronunciation
She was in pain, and she was respectful of Maxine Wong, her opponent, compatriot and room-mate. Berthier, whose celebration was limited to just one silent fist pump during her 15-10 win, spr..View article
The Straits Times The Straits Times
Helen Maxine Tucker
Listen Helen Maxine Tucker pronunciation
HELEN MAXINE TUCKER, 97, of Jacksonville died Friday, December 6, 2019. Helen was born September 14, 1922 in Denmark, Ark. Helen was a faithful member of the Jacksonville First Assembly of G..View article
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Maxine Waters’s side-eye as Jerry Nadler reads 2 articles of impeachment says it all
Listen Maxine Waters’s side-eye as Jerry Nadler reads 2 articles of impeachment says it all pronunciation
The mood was best expressed by Maxine Waters’s glorious side-eye: [Screenshot: NPR] House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler explained the charges: President Trump solicited Ukraine to a..View article
Fast Company Fast Company
Column: Why isn’t Rep. Maxine Walters accused of making racist comments?
Listen Column: Why isn’t Rep. Maxine Walters accused of making racist comments? pronunciation
Among the reasons Democrats and their media sympathizers offer to show President Donald Trump's alleged "racism" is that he called Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., a "low IQ individual." At a J..View article
Columbus Dispatch Columbus Dispatch
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