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Pronunciation of Packers with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Packers

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Meanings for Packers

Green Bay Packers is a professional American football team that is situated in Green Bay, Wisconsin who plays and competes in the National Football league.
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Green Bay Packers is a professional American football team that is situated in Green Bay, Wisconsin who plays and competes in the National Football league.
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Examples of in a sentence

Packers still need production from recent first
53 ratings rating ratings
Flashback Friday: Best performances from past Saints-Packers games
Listen Flashback Friday: Best performances from past Saints-Packers games pronunciation
1 rating rating ratings
Packers: Aaron Rodgers has mixed record vs. Saints
Listen Packers: Aaron Rodgers has mixed record vs. Saints pronunciation
1 rating rating ratings
Flashback 1989: Majkowski Leads Packers to Dramatic Comeback Over Saints
Listen Flashback 1989: Majkowski Leads Packers to Dramatic Comeback Over Saints pronunciation
1 rating rating ratings
Packers vs. Saints: 5 things to watch and a prediction
Listen Packers vs. Saints: 5 things to watch and a prediction pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Packers

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Trending news on Packers

Flashback Friday: Best performances from past Saints-Packers games
Listen Flashback Friday: Best performances from past Saints-Packers games pronunciation
The New Orleans Saints and Green Bay Packers have combined for some incredible games over the years -- last season's tough home loss recalled a their 2011 matchup, both filled with exhilarat..View article
Saints Wire on MSN.com Saints Wire on MSN.com
NFL picks 2021, Week 1: Who the experts are taking in Saints vs. Packers
Listen NFL picks 2021, Week 1: Who the experts are taking in Saints vs. Packers pronunciation
Are the New Orleans Saints flying into Jacksonville for a Week 1 loss? Their season opener with the Green Bay Packers will be nationally broadcast with high expectations -- mostly for Green..View article
Saints Wire on MSN.com Saints Wire on MSN.com
Lorenzo's Locks: Green Bay Packers can't be missed in Week 1
Listen Lorenzo's Locks: Green Bay Packers can't be missed in Week 1 pronunciation
Week 1 of the 2021 NFL season is underway and carries on with our first full slate Sunday. USA TODAY Sports’ Lorenzo Reyes helps tee up this week’s hottest matchups with his Week 1 locks. Vi..View article
USA Today USA Today
WATCH: Green Bay Packers Vs. New Orleans Saints, Week 1, Key Facts, Stats
Listen WATCH: Green Bay Packers Vs. New Orleans Saints, Week 1, Key Facts, Stats pronunciation
See betting lines, statistical trends and relevant facts for the 2021 NFL season opener between the New Orleans Saints and Green Bay Packers
USA Today USA Today
Packers' Vernon Scott: Ruled out against Saints
Listen Packers' Vernon Scott: Ruled out against Saints pronunciation
Scott (hamstring) has been ruled out for Sunday's Week 1 matchup against the Saints, Wes Hodkiewicz of the Packers' official site reports. Scott hasn't practiced all week due to a hamstring..View article
CBSSports.com CBSSports.com
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