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Solheim cup

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Learn Solheim cup pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Solheim cup in English

    Meanings for Solheim cup

    It is a biennial team competition between the women professional golfers from Europe and the United States.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Favored U.S. team out to reclaim Solheim Cup, defend home soil in Toledo
    Listen Favored U.S. team out to reclaim Solheim Cup, defend home soil in Toledo pronunciation
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    Europe ready to face the Kordashians in Solheim Cup
    Listen Europe ready to face the Kordashians in Solheim Cup pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Solheim Cup: By adding U.S. team, Skechers now supplying footwear for both sides
    Listen Solheim Cup: By adding U.S. team, Skechers now supplying footwear for both sides pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Day 1 foursomes set at Solheim Cup: Breaking down the match-ups
    Listen Day 1 foursomes set at Solheim Cup: Breaking down the match-ups pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    5 things to know about the Solheim Cup, including pod breakdowns, Bubba Watson’s role and Nelly and Jessica Korda’s record
    Listen 5 things to know about the Solheim Cup, including pod breakdowns, Bubba Watson’s role and Nelly and Jessica Korda’s record pronunciation
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    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on Solheim cup

    SOLHEIM CUP ’21: Capsules of the European players | Charlotte Observer
    Listen SOLHEIM CUP ’21: Capsules of the European players | Charlotte Observer pronunciation
    Capsules of the European team for the Solheim Cup, which starts Saturday at Inverness Club: CELINE BOUTIER Age: 27. Country: France. World ranking: 66. Victories: 3. Majors: None. Solheim Cu..View article
    Charlotte Observer Charlotte Observer
    Mel's moxie; Resurgent Reid back in Solheim Cup mix
    Listen Mel's moxie; Resurgent Reid back in Solheim Cup mix pronunciation
    Mel Reid considered Catriona Matthew's offer and did her best to maintain her composure. Yes, Reid knows she should have been flattered when Matthew called two years ago to ask if Reid would..View article
    USA Today USA Today
    Reid on Solheim Cup return: 'nicer than giving out water bottles'
    Listen Reid on Solheim Cup return: 'nicer than giving out water bottles' pronunciation
    Mel Reid was gutted after not being selected to compete for Europe at the 2019 Solheim Cup but said on Thursday that her role as vice captain of that team has given her more to offer as she..View article
    Reuters Reuters
    Solheim Cup: European newcomer Leona Maguire revels in facing US 'golden pairing'
    Listen Solheim Cup: European newcomer Leona Maguire revels in facing US 'golden pairing' pronunciation
    European rookie Leona Maguire says there is "no pressure" facing US "golden pairing" of Nelly Korda and Jessica Korda in Saturday's opening Solheim Cup foursomes.
    5 things to know about the Solheim Cup, including pod breakdowns, Bubba Watson’s role and Nelly and Jessica Korda’s record
    Listen 5 things to know about the Solheim Cup, including pod breakdowns, Bubba Watson’s role and Nelly and Jessica Korda’s record pronunciation
    Here are five things to look for this week in Toledo. The Solheim Cup is a team affair, of course, but given that it’s the “Year of the Kordas” – with the sisters winning a combined four tim..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
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