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South africa

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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : saʊθ ˈæfrɪkə
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    Meanings for South africa

    The most populous country is known for its beaches.
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    Wiki content for South africa

    South Africa - South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa s
    South Africa national rugby union team - The South African national rugby union team, commonly known as the Springboks (colloquially the Boks or Bokke, and Amabokoboko) is the country's national team governed by the South African Ru
    South African Airways - South African Airways is the state-owned flag carrier of South Africa. Headquartered in Airways Park at O.R Tambo International Airport, the airline operates a hub-and-spoke network, linking
    South African Broadcasting Corporation - The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is the public broadcaster in South Africa, and provides 19 radio stations (AM/FM) as well as five television broadcasts to the general public
    South Africa national cricket team - The South African national cricket team also known as Proteas (after South Africa's national flower, Protea cynaroides, commonly known as the ‘king protea’), is administered by Cricket South
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    Examples of in a sentence

    South Africa's rand recovers as Fed fears cool
    Listen South Africa's rand recovers as Fed fears cool pronunciation
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    Covid live news: South Africa death toll higher than official tally; UK anxious about Indian variant – Boris Johnson
    Listen Covid live news: South Africa death toll higher than official tally; UK anxious about Indian variant – Boris Johnson pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    South Africa: SA Not in Covid-19 Third Wave Yet
    Listen South Africa: SA Not in Covid-19 Third Wave Yet pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Covid live news: South Africa death toll higher than official tally; more Indian variant cases in Northern Ireland
    Listen Covid live news: South Africa death toll higher than official tally; more Indian variant cases in Northern Ireland pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Indian, South African coronavirus variants found in Americas, says WHO expert
    Listen Indian, South African coronavirus variants found in Americas, says WHO expert pronunciation
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    Translations of South africa

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    Trending news on South africa

    IFC Could Fund Controversial Gas-Power Ships in South Africa
    Listen IFC Could Fund Controversial Gas-Power Ships in South Africa pronunciation
    The World Bank’s International Finance Corp. said it expressed interest in funding bidders in a South African tender for emergency power provision, including a Turkish supplier of gas-fired..View article
    Bloomberg Bloomberg
    NIreland needs South Africa-style truth commission: Blair
    Listen NIreland needs South Africa-style truth commission: Blair pronunciation
    British former prime minister Tony Blair called Wednesday for a South Africa-style truth and reconciliation commission for Northern Ireland to address historical crimes on both sides of "The..View article
    AFP on MSN.com AFP on MSN.com
    Furs class: Three lions sleep as they are transported across South Africa on a private jet as part of conservation effort
    Listen Furs class: Three lions sleep as they are transported across South Africa on a private jet as part of conservation effort pronunciation
    The three Kalahari lions - each weighing 440lbs - were being moved by air to a different part of the continent to stop inbreeding.
    Daily Mail Daily Mail
    L.A. Times owner pledges $213 million for COVID-19 vaccine work in South Africa
    Listen L.A. Times owner pledges $213 million for COVID-19 vaccine work in South Africa pronunciation
    Patrick Soon-Shiong will give $213 million to South Africa, the country of his birth, to help with the transfer of new COVID-19 vaccine technology.
    Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
    Covid-19: Cases of South Africa variant found in Redditch
    Listen Covid-19: Cases of South Africa variant found in Redditch pronunciation
    A "small number of cases" of the South Africa Covid-19 variant have been found in Redditch, a council said. The cases have not been traced back to international travel, Worcestershire County..View article
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