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    Meanings for Waugh

    Steve Waugh was an Australian cricketer who was a right-handed batsman and a medium-pace bowler.
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    Wiki content for Waugh

    Waugh - Waugh is a surname (, or the Scots pronunciation sounding like "Woch" as in the Scots "Loch" (Lake) derived from the proto-Germanic Walhaz, and may refer to:
    Waugh Pocket - Waugh Pocket is a locality in the Cairns Region, Queensland, Australia. In the 2016 census, Waugh Pocket had a population of 41 people.
    Waugh, Indiana - Waugh is an unincorporated community in Marion Township, Boone County, Indiana.
    Waugh, Alabama - Waugh is an unincorporated community in Montgomery County, Alabama, United States, located at the intersection of U.S.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Scientology protest group celebrates founder's birthday worldwide
    Listen Scientology protest group celebrates founder's birthday worldwide pronunciation
    242 ratings rating ratings
    Nick Clegg should read Evelyn Waugh before writing his next manifesto
    Listen Nick Clegg should read Evelyn Waugh before writing his next manifesto  pronunciation
    225 ratings rating ratings
    Surprises from the archive: when Evelyn Waugh savaged a reviewer for Dorothy ...
    Listen Surprises from the archive: when Evelyn Waugh savaged a reviewer for Dorothy ...  pronunciation
    208 ratings rating ratings
    Mr D Waugh v Mitie Ltd: 2202302/2019
    Listen Mr D Waugh v Mitie Ltd: 2202302/2019 pronunciation
    190 ratings rating ratings
    Oppe, Waugh elected as West Virginia Oil Marketers & Grocers Association officers
    Listen Oppe, Waugh elected as West Virginia Oil Marketers & Grocers Association officers pronunciation
    173 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Waugh

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    Trending news on Waugh

    Australia Cricket Great Steve Waugh Captures Spirit Of India Through Camera Lens
    Listen Australia Cricket Great Steve Waugh Captures Spirit Of India Through Camera Lens pronunciation
    Waugh set off in January before coronavirus pandemic changed the world Waugh took about 17,000 photos and had to whittle them down to 220 Australian great Steve Waugh has long held a deep ....View article
    image-unavailable NDTV
    Gerard Butler, Ric Roman Waugh Reteam for Action Thriller 'Night Has Fallen'
    Listen Gerard Butler, Ric Roman Waugh Reteam for Action Thriller 'Night Has Fallen' pronunciation
    Ric Roman Waugh will direct Night Has Fallen, which Millennium Media is introducing at American Film Market, being held virtually this year. London Has Fallen, released in 2016, and Angel Ha..View article
    image-unavailable The Hollywood Reporter
    India through Waugh’s lens
    Listen India through Waugh’s lens pronunciation
    Australian great Steve Waugh has long held a deep affection for India, first touring the country in 1986. But his experiences were all too often fleeting glimpses, before he got the chance t..View article
    image-unavailable The Daily Star
    ABC documentary, Capturing Cricket, charts Steve Waugh rediscovering the simple joys of the game in India
    Listen ABC documentary, Capturing Cricket, charts Steve Waugh rediscovering the simple joys of the game in India pronunciation
    Steve Waugh's trip to India earlier this year marked the first time he'd picked up a bat for fun since he retired 16 years ago.(Supplied) In April 2020, as the implications of COVID-19 were..View article
    image-unavailable Australian Broadcasting Corporation
    Aussie cricket great Steve Waugh captures spirit of India through camera lens
    Listen Aussie cricket great Steve Waugh captures spirit of India through camera lens pronunciation
    Australian great Steve Waugh has long held a deep affection for India, first touring the country in 1986. But his experiences were all too often fleeting glimpses, before he got the chance t..View article
    image-unavailable Yahoo! News
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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