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Phonetic spelling of Xue

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Meanings for Xue

Xue is a feminine that originated in China and it means 'Snow'.
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Wiki content for Xue

Xue - Xue ([ɕɥé]) is the pinyin romanization of the Chinese surname 薛 (Xuē). It is romanized as Hsüeh in Wade-Giles.
Xueta - The Xuetes (Catalan pronunciation: [ʃuˈətə]; singular Xueta, also known as Xuetons and spelled as Chuetas) are a social group on the Spanish island of Majorca, in the Mediterranean Sea, who a
Xuefei Yang - Xuefei Yang (simplified Chinese: 杨雪霏; traditional Chinese: 楊雪霏; pinyin: Yáng Xuěfēi; born March 15, 1977) is a Chinese classical guitarist.
Xue Rengui - Xue Rengui (simplified Chinese: 薛仁贵; traditional Chinese: 薛仁貴; pinyin: Xuē Rénguì; Wade–Giles: Hsüeh1 Jen2-kuei4; 614–683), formal name Xue Li but went by the courtesy name of Rengui, was a p
Xue family murder and abandonment - The Xue family murder and abandonment case involves the abandonment of a three-year-old girl, Qian Xun Xue (薛千寻 in Simplified Chinese) also known as Clare Xue, at Southern Cross station in Me
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Examples of in a sentence

An ambitious heart but a low profile for Xue Changrui
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Fire often stands for destruction but for Xue Song, it marks rebirth and transformation
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For Shanghai resident Xue Shaokang, the key to a long and healthy life is running
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Qingwu Xue, 806-354-5803, QXue@ag
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Xue Wandong, the president of Sinopec Oilfield Services Corp (SOSC), was relieved of his duties by the company's party apparatus, Xinhua said on its Weibo social media account
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Translations of Xue

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Trending news on Xue

Zhonghua bing li xue za zhi Chinese journal of pathology
Listen Zhonghua bing li xue za zhi Chinese journal of pathology pronunciation
[Notch signaling pathway participates in the differentiation of hepatic progenitor cells into bile duct epithelial cells and progression of hepatic fibrosis in cholestatic liver fibrosis rat..View article
image-unavailable Medscape
Xue Yiwei: Dr Bethune's Children at Beeton Hall, Toronto Reference Library
Listen Xue Yiwei: Dr Bethune's Children at Beeton Hall, Toronto Reference Library pronunciation
Inspired by his childhood during the 1960s, best-selling Chinese author Xue Yiwei presents his newly translated novel, Dr. Bethune?s Children. A story that follows two families from the Cult..View article
image-unavailable toronto.com
Editorial: Papan, Schneider and Xue for Millbrae council
Listen Editorial: Papan, Schneider and Xue for Millbrae council pronunciation
He is a natural leader and would hit the ground running. However, our job is to pick the best candidates, and You You Xue is a better choice. Xue has been strident at times but is learning t..View article
image-unavailable San Mateo Daily Journal
2020 Women in Business Awards: Ya Xue
Listen 2020 Women in Business Awards: Ya Xue pronunciation
How has the pandemic changed your personal and professional life? The pandemic has brought many changes to my life, e.g., working from home, online learning for my kids, online shopping for..View article
image-unavailable The Business Journals
Xiamen Unigroup Xue Co. Ltd. A
Listen Xiamen Unigroup Xue Co. Ltd. A pronunciation
1 Day 000526 3.34% DJIA 1.35% S&P 500 1.06% Business/Consumer Services -2.27% Jun Mei He, 49 Chairman-Supervisory Board Xiamen Unigroup Xue Co., Ltd., Tibet Unisplendour Zhuoyuan Equity Inve..View article
image-unavailable Wall Street Journal
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Xue pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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