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Davis Cup

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Phonetic spelling of Davis Cup

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Meanings for Davis Cup

cup awarded for the annual international team tennis competition
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An annual Tennis event for men was started in the year 1900.
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Quiz on Davis Cup


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Collections on Davis Cup

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Wiki content for Davis Cup

Davis Cup - The Davis Cup is the premier international team event in men's tennis. It is run by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and is contested annually between teams from competing countries
Davis Cup winning players - This is a complete list of all players who won the Davis Cup, an international team event in men's tennis:
Davis Cup Tennis - Davis Cup Tennis is a sports game developed by Loriciel in 1991 for the TurboGrafx-16 and then by Hokus Pokus Games and published by Ubisoft for the Game Boy Advance.
Davis Cup (album) - Davis Cup is the debut album by American pianist Walter Davis Jr. featuring performances recorded in 1959 and released on the Blue Note label in 1960. It would be his only effort for the labe
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Examples of in a sentence

Doubles exponent Leander Paes will not be the part of India's forthcoming Davis Cup World Group play-off tie against Serbia at home due to "personal compulsions"
Listen Doubles exponent Leander Paes will not be the part of India's forthcoming Davis Cup World Group play-off tie against Serbia at home due to "personal compulsions" pronunciation
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Israel stripped of Davis Cup home tie due to conflict
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Tennis - Israel stripped of Davis Cup home tie due to conflict
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The International Tennis Federation has moved Davis Cup tie between host Israel and Argentina due to concerns over the military conflict in the area
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Bryan brothers announce retirement from Davis Cup
Listen Bryan brothers announce retirement from Davis Cup pronunciation
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Translations of Davis Cup

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Synonyms for Davis Cup

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Antonyms for Davis Cup

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Davis Cup pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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