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Meanings for Gillespie

Gillespie is a chemistry professor, along with Nyholm, developed Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory which is called Gillespie _ Nyholm theory.
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Wiki content for Gillespie

Gillespie - Gillespie may refer to:
Gillespie County, Texas - Gillespie County is a county located on the Edwards Plateau in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 24,837. The county seat is Fredericksburg.
Gillespie, Kidd & Coia - Gillespie, Kidd & Coia were a Scottish architectural firm famous for their application of modernism in churches and universities, as well as at St Peter's Seminary in Cardross.
Gillespie algorithm - In probability theory, the Gillespie algorithm (or occasionally the Doob-Gillespie algorithm) generates a statistically correct trajectory (possible solution) of a stochastic equation.
Gillespie Field - Gillespie Field (IATA: SEE, ICAO: KSEE, FAA LID: SEE) is a county-owned public towered airport 11.5 miles (10.0 nmi; 18.5 km) northeast of downtown San Diego, in El Cajon, San Diego County, C
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Examples of in a sentence

Virginia Senate Debate Highlights: Gillespie Performs Strong, While Warner ...
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Gillespie Campaign: If Only We Could All Fly 'Air Warner'!
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