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Phonetic spelling of wynne

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Meanings for wynne

It is a Welsh feminine name.
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Wiki content for wynne

Wynne - Wynne is a surname of Welsh origin. This is a list of notable people with the surname, sorted by profession:
Wynne, Arkansas - Wynne is the county seat and largest city of Cross County, Arkansas, United States. The population was 8,367 at the 2010 Census.
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania - Wynnewood is a suburban unincorporated community, west of Philadelphia, that straddles Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County and Haverford Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, United S
Wynnewood, Oklahoma - Wynnewood is a city in Garvin County, Oklahoma, United States. It is 67 miles (108 km) south of Oklahoma City.
Wynne Evans - Wynne Evans (born 27 January 1972) is a Welsh tenor. Known for his role as the tenor Gio Compario in the Gocompare.com insurance adverts on television in the United Kingdom, he sang the role
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Translations of wynne

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Antonyms for wynne

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Examples of wynne in a sentence

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