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    Meanings for Ilona

    It is a Hungarian feminine forename. A Notable person with this name is Ilona Hlaváčková, a Czech swimmer.
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    Wiki content for Ilona

    Ilona - Ilona is a Hungarian female given name, the traditional name of the Queen of the Fairies in Magyar folklore.Its etymology is uncertain.
    Ilona Staller - Ilona Staller (born 26 November 1951), widely known by her stage name Cicciolina (little chubby), is a Hungarian-Italian former porn star, politician, and singer.
    Ilona Kickbusch - Ilona Kickbusch (born 27 August 1948 in Munich, Germany) is a German political scientist best known for her contribution to health promotion and global health.
    Ilona Andrews - Ilona Andrews is the pen name of Ilona Gordon and Andrew Gordon, an American husband-and-wife duo who write urban fantasy and romantic fiction together.
    Ilona Katliarenka - Ilona Katliarenka (Илона Котляренко, born 2 August 1993) is a Belarusian synchronized swimmer. Former member of Olympic National team.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Carlo Mercado ordered to stand trial in deaths of Ilona Flint, Salvatore and ...
    126 ratings rating ratings
    CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Some tasty treats that will help create fond Christmas memories
    Listen CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Some tasty treats that will help create fond Christmas memories pronunciation
    117 ratings rating ratings
    CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Sage has been celebrated in every corner of the planet in various dynasties and religions throughout history
    Listen CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Sage has been celebrated in every corner of the planet in various dynasties and religions throughout history pronunciation
    108 ratings rating ratings
    Ilona Kickbusch
    Listen Ilona Kickbusch pronunciation
    99 ratings rating ratings
    Adelaide’s Bachelorette contender Alex McKay surprises mother Ilona for her birthday
    Listen Adelaide’s Bachelorette contender Alex McKay surprises mother Ilona for her birthday pronunciation
    90 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on Ilona

    Ilona Tiser - Leader Publications | Leader Publications
    Listen Ilona Tiser - Leader Publications | Leader Publications pronunciation
    Ilona Tiser, 96, passed away at 5:05 a.m. Monday, Jan. 25, 2021, in Cass County Medical Care. Ilona was born on March 2, 1924, in Vecses, Hungary to Mihaly and Borbalia (Hundzsa) Vas. On Oct..View article
    Leader Pub Leader Pub
    CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Make oysters at home in time for ...
    Listen CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Make oysters at home in time for ... pronunciation
    It would be a very superficial conversation of aphrodisiacs if Greek mythology was a neglected talking point. The concept of the aphrodisiac originates with the Greek Goddess of love, Aphrod..View article
    Cape Breton Post Cape Breton Post
    CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Raise the bar: PEI bottled clams get a ...
    Listen CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Raise the bar: PEI bottled clams get a ... pronunciation
    I never even heard of a bottled clam until I was in my mid-twenties - I suppose it’s not entirely unusual if you didn’t get the privilege of growing up in a coastal region. The bar clams mad..View article
    The Telegram The Telegram
    Ilona's Table, Gingham Cafe and Kimo's owners on surviving ...
    Listen Ilona's Table, Gingham Cafe and Kimo's owners on surviving ... pronunciation
    Local restaurant owners have weathered some serious storms since this pandemic started, and they have some stories to tell.
    Clarksville Now Clarksville Now
    CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Add a ray of sunshine and warm your ...
    Listen CHEF ILONA DANIEL: Add a ray of sunshine and warm your ... pronunciation
    Ingredients that instantly remind me of sunshine and brightness are ones I often reach for in the darkest and shortest of days. Ginger and turmeric are at the top of my pure sunshine ingredi..View article
    The Guardian The Guardian
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