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    Video Pronunciation of Inez in English

    Phonetic spelling of Inez

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    Meanings for Inez

    It is an English name that means "pure".
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    Wiki content for Inez

    Inez - Inez is the English spelling of the Spanish and Portuguese name Inés/Inês, the forms of the given name "Agnes".
    Inez Milholland - Inez Milholland Boissevain (August 6, 1886 – November 25, 1916) was a suffragist, labor lawyer, socialist, World War I correspondent, and public speaker who greatly influenced the women's mov
    Inez and Vinoodh - Inez van Lamsweerde (born 25 September 1963) and Vinoodh Matadin (born 29 September 1961) are a Dutch fashion photographer duo, whose work has been featured in fashion magazines and advertisi
    Inez Haynes Irwin - Inez Haynes Irwin (March 2, 1873 – September 25, 1970) was an American feminist author, journalist, member of the National Women's Party, and president of the Authors Guild.
    Inez Smith Reid - Inez Smith Reid (born April 7, 1937) was the Corporation Counsel for the District of Columbia and a judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, the highest court for the District of C
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Inez M. Dunn
    Listen Inez M. Dunn pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Inez Dickens Easily Re-Elected To Harlem State Assembly Seat
    Listen Inez Dickens Easily Re-Elected To Harlem State Assembly Seat pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Multicom acquires film based on women's rights activitst Inez Milholland
    Listen Multicom acquires film based on women's rights activitst Inez Milholland pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Be Open To Unexpected Ideas: How Inez Jabalpurwala Gives Voice To Outliers
    Listen Be Open To Unexpected Ideas: How Inez Jabalpurwala Gives Voice To Outliers pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Clara Kent and INEZ look to inspire by highlighting Pittsburgh’s Black R&B scene
    Listen Clara Kent and INEZ look to inspire by highlighting Pittsburgh’s Black R&B scene pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Inez

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    Trending news on Inez

    Obituary: Nona Inez Brewer Sanders, 95, of Oklahoma ...
    Listen Obituary: Nona Inez Brewer Sanders, 95, of Oklahoma ... pronunciation
    Sanders, age 95, went to be with our Lord and Savior Jan. 22, 2021, in El Reno, Okla. She was born to Dewey and Laura May (Tolleson) Brewer Sept. 5, 1925. Inez grew up in the
    Southwest Arkansas News Southwest Arkansas News
    Inez Pearce, 99, still volunteers for Palmerston North ...
    Listen Inez Pearce, 99, still volunteers for Palmerston North ... pronunciation
    Inez Pearce partly attributes her good health at 99 years of age to drinking plenty of water. But this isn't a story about reaching such a milestone, it's about Inez volunteering each week a..View article
    The New Zealand Herald The New Zealand Herald
    Kimberly Inez McGuire on Abortion Realities, Bama Athreya ...
    Listen Kimberly Inez McGuire on Abortion Realities, Bama Athreya ... pronunciation
    For many women, overturning Roe v. Wade would not suddenly shut down access to abortion, simply because many women already lack that access.
    INEZ reveals the making of the music video for her song ...
    Listen INEZ reveals the making of the music video for her song ... pronunciation
    Watching the music video for “Clouds,” a track from Voicemails & Conversations, the 2019 debut album from Pittsburgh R&B and soul act INEZ, is
    image-unavailable Pittsburgh City Paper
    The Devils Lake Area Foundation announces Inez Piltingsrud ...
    Listen The Devils Lake Area Foundation announces Inez Piltingsrud ... pronunciation
    DEVILS LAKE - Inez Piltingsrud (Herman, Buttz) was a full-time elementary education teacher in the Devils Lake Public Schools from 1963-78. This was preceded by many years of substitute teac..View article
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