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James Cleverly

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Pronunciation of James Cleverly with 2 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for James Cleverly

James Cleverly is a familiar British politician who served as a Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs.
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Examples of in a sentence

Ben and Jerry's accused of 'virtue signalling' by James Cleverly as Tory MP wades into refugee debate
Listen Ben and Jerry's accused of 'virtue signalling' by James Cleverly as Tory MP wades into refugee debate pronunciation
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James Cleverly MP says Desmond Swayne's response to blackface 'was a bit of fun'
Listen James Cleverly MP says Desmond Swayne's response to blackface 'was a bit of fun' pronunciation
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Tory party chairman James Cleverly: "We would like the tone of political debate to be calmer"
Listen Tory party chairman James Cleverly: "We would like the tone of political debate to be calmer" pronunciation
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Dame Margaret Beckett MP, James Cleverly MP, Peter Hitchens, Dr Linda Yueh
Listen Dame Margaret Beckett MP, James Cleverly MP, Peter Hitchens, Dr Linda Yueh pronunciation
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Tag: James Cleverly
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Ten Falkland Islands former Governors took Sukey Cameron MBE to lunch to mark her retirement as Falkland Islands Government Representative in London. Ms. Cameron told Penguin News she believ..View article
image-unavailable Uruguay News
Dame Margaret Beckett MP, James Cleverly MP, Peter Hitchens, Dr Linda Yueh
Listen Dame Margaret Beckett MP, James Cleverly MP, Peter Hitchens, Dr Linda Yueh pronunciation
Chris Mason presents political debate from Broadcasting House in London with the Foreign Office Minister James Cleverly, the former Foreign Secretary Dame Margaret Beckett MP, the journalist..View article
Tory party chairman James Cleverly: "We would like the tone of political debate to be calmer"
Listen Tory party chairman James Cleverly: "We would like the tone of political debate to be calmer" pronunciation
James Cleverly spoke to The Northern Echo in Barnard Castle, while on a whistle stop tour of the region, taking in some of its key marginal seats. After meeting the Bishop Auckland candidate..View article
The Northern Echo The Northern Echo
Ben and Jerry's accused of 'virtue signalling' by James Cleverly as Tory MP wades into refugee debate
Listen Ben and Jerry's accused of 'virtue signalling' by James Cleverly as Tory MP wades into refugee debate pronunciation
Tory MP James Cleverly has hit out at Ben and Jerry's after the Ice Cream brand criticised the UK's immigration policies. The ice cream giant posted a thread on Twitter addressed to Home Sec..View article
Evening Standard on MSN.com Evening Standard on MSN.com

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