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    It is a female given name.
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    Wiki content for Moira

    Moira - Moira may refer to:
    Moirai - In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the Moirai (; Ancient Greek: Μοῖραι, "lots, destinies, apportioners"), often known in English as the Fates (Latin: Fata), Moirae or Mœræ (obsolete), w
    Moira MacTaggert - Dr. Moira MacTaggert (sometimes spelled MacTaggart, McTaggart, McTaggert) née Kinross, more recently known as Moira X, is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by
    Moira Rose - Moira Rose is a fictional character in the Canadian sitcom Schitt's Creek, which began airing on CBC and Pop TV in 2015. Moira is introduced as the eccentric ex-soap-star wife of Johnny Rose
    Moira Kelly - Moira Kelly (born March 6, 1968) is an American actress. She is best known for portraying Kate Moseley in the 1992 film The Cutting Edge, as well as single mother Karen Roe on the teen drama
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Mira Kapoor And Shahid Kapoor Engage In Funny Banter As She Channels Her Inner Moira
    Listen Mira Kapoor And Shahid Kapoor Engage In Funny Banter As She Channels Her Inner Moira pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 theory: June forced to go into hiding after Moira’s warning
    Listen The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 theory: June forced to go into hiding after Moira’s warning pronunciation
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    Liquidations listed in the Moira council area, updated hourly for April 25
    Listen Liquidations listed in the Moira council area, updated hourly for April 25 pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    ‘Mira Moira hai’ says Shahid Kapoor on THIS post of wife Mira Rajput!
    Listen ‘Mira Moira hai’ says Shahid Kapoor on THIS post of wife Mira Rajput! pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Video: Mira Rajput channels her inner Moira Rose from 'Schitt's Creek'
    Listen Video: Mira Rajput channels her inner Moira Rose from 'Schitt's Creek' pronunciation
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    Trending news on Moira

    15 'Schitt's Creek'-Inspired Mother's Day Cards On Etsy For The Moira In Your Life
    Listen 15 'Schitt's Creek'-Inspired Mother's Day Cards On Etsy For The Moira In Your Life pronunciation
    Moira Rose is iconic, what with all her wigs, wine, and waggish quotes. While your own mother may not be as good at pettifogging and bombilating (whatever those mean) like the matriarch on S..View article
    image-unavailable Elite Daily
    Schitt’s Creek star Catherine O’Hara on what’s next for Moira Rose
    Listen Schitt’s Creek star Catherine O’Hara on what’s next for Moira Rose pronunciation
    Of all the TV shows that have carried us through the past year, few have been as sweet or as reassuring as Schitt’s Creek. The Canadian comedy series was already a word-of-mouth hit on Netfl..View article
    The Times The Times
    Shahid Kapoor has an epic reaction as wifey Mira Rajput channels her inner Moira Rose
    Listen Shahid Kapoor has an epic reaction as wifey Mira Rajput channels her inner Moira Rose pronunciation
    Recently, she gave Schitt's Creek's Moira Rose's iconic looks her own twist. Read Also Ishaan Khatter drops a hilarious comment as Mira Rajput introduces Shahid Kapoor's alter ego 'ACP Shady..View article
    image-unavailable Indiatimes
    12 'Schitt's Creek'-Inspired Mother's Day Gifts On Etsy For The Moira To Your Alexis
    Listen 12 'Schitt's Creek'-Inspired Mother's Day Gifts On Etsy For The Moira To Your Alexis pronunciation
    You should bring your mom or the mom figure in your life a different kind of rose this Mother's Day. Nothing makes her smile more than Schitt's Creek and the family who learns to love each o..View article
    Elite Daily Elite Daily
    Cambuslang Harriers' Moira Stewart narrowly misses out on Olympic qualification
    Listen Cambuslang Harriers' Moira Stewart narrowly misses out on Olympic qualification pronunciation
    Join thousands of others who have signed up to our Record Sport newsletter. Cambuslang Harriers athlete Moira Stewart missed out on automatic Olympic qualification by nine seconds on Easter..View article
    Daily Record on MSN.com Daily Record on MSN.com
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