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Pronunciation of Rochelle with 5 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Rochelle

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Meanings for Rochelle

It is a feminine name that has French German roots and that literally means "Little rock".
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Quiz on Rochelle


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Wiki content for Rochelle

Examples of in a sentence

Rochelle Humes fans rush to congratulate her on 'pregnancy' as they get confused by huge announcement
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Girls Basketball: Morris rallies to ruin Rochelle's Senior Night
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Cappelli-related entity proposes 28-story residential building in New Rochelle
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Rochelle Humes' younger sister Sophie Piper 'confirmed' for Winter Love Island
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Forever a part of Rochelle history
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Translations of Rochelle

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Trending news on Rochelle

Girls Basketball: Morris rallies to ruin Rochelle's Senior Night
ROCHELLE — The Lady Hubs were less than five minutes away from sending seniors Lilly Portzen and Gabby Harding out with a win when the Rochelle girls hosted Morris for their annual Senior Ni..View article
Rochelle News-Leader Rochelle News-Leader
Cappelli-related entity proposes 28-story residential building in New Rochelle
247 North Avenue Associates LLC, which gives its address as being in care of developer Louis Cappelli’s Cappelli Organization in White Plains, is seeking approval from New Rochelle to constr..View article
Westfaironline.com Westfaironline.com
Rochelle Humes' younger sister Sophie Piper 'confirmed' for Winter Love Island
Rochelle Humes' 20-year old sister Sophie is reportedly heading into the Winter Love Island villa. The younger sibling of the TV presenter and former pop singer is said to be a favourite wit..View article
Mirror Mirror
New Rochelle Sheds Dick Van Dyke Image (Podcast)
Prashant Gopal, reporter for Bloomberg News, tells Bloomberg Radio’s Denise Pellegrini that New Rochelle and Yonkers just outside New York City, are going for an edgier feel these days. Runn..View article
Bloomberg Bloomberg
Forever a part of Rochelle history
ROCHELLE – Betty Lu Barnes, a local resident and historian who passed away on Dec. 20. 2019, will forever be remembered for all that she did within the community and preserving its history f..View article
Rochelle News-Leader Rochelle News-Leader
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