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Meanings for Aiko

It is a prominent name that was origianted in Japan
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From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" and 子 (ko) meaning "child", as well as other character combinations.
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Aiko Ai = Love Ko = Child Aiko = Love Child
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Wiki content for Aiko

Aiko - Aiko (あいこ, アイコ) is a female Japanese given name.
Aiko, Princess Toshi - Aiko, Princess Toshi (敬宮愛子内親王, Toshi-no-miya Aiko Naishinnō, born 1 December 2001) is the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan.
Aiko Melendez - Aiko Melendez (born December 16, 1975) is a Filipino actress and former politician. Her father, Jimmy Melendez (born Jim Shinoji), was an actor.
Aiko (singer) - Aiko Yanai (柳井愛子, Yanai Aiko, born November 22, 1975), known by her stage name Aiko, (stylized as aiko) is a Japanese pop singer and songwriter.
Aiko Kitahara - Aiko Kitahara (北原愛子) is a former Japanese pop singer and songwriter under the Giza Studio label.
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Examples of in a sentence

Jhené Aiko Soothes the Soul in Calming 'Tiny Desk' Concert
Listen Jhené Aiko Soothes the Soul in Calming 'Tiny Desk' Concert pronunciation
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Jhene Aiko Brings Tranquility To NPR’s ‘Tiny Desk (Home) Concert’
Listen Jhene Aiko Brings Tranquility To NPR’s ‘Tiny Desk (Home) Concert’ pronunciation
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IN PHOTOS: Aiko Melendez's inspiring weight loss journey during the quarantine
Listen IN PHOTOS: Aiko Melendez's inspiring weight loss journey during the quarantine pronunciation
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Jhené Aiko to Release ‘Vote,’ Recorded for ‘Black-ish’ Election Special (EXCLUSIVE)
Listen Jhené Aiko to Release ‘Vote,’ Recorded for ‘Black-ish’ Election Special (EXCLUSIVE) pronunciation
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Jhene Aiko Records Powerful New Song 'Vote' for 'Black-ish' Election Special: Listen
Listen Jhene Aiko Records Powerful New Song 'Vote' for 'Black-ish' Election Special: Listen pronunciation
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Translations of Aiko

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Trending news on Aiko

Jhené Aiko: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert
Listen Jhené Aiko: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert pronunciation
The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music's Tiny Desk (home) concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It's the sa..View article
image-unavailable NPR
Watch Jhené Aiko's 'Tiny Desk (Home) Concert' for NPR
Listen Watch Jhené Aiko's 'Tiny Desk (Home) Concert' for NPR pronunciation
NPR’s latest installation of the Tiny Desk (Home) Concert features Jhené Aiko, who performed some of her newer songs from her latest Chilombo album, as well as some fan favorites. During the..View article
image-unavailable Complex
Jhené Aiko's Tiny Desk Concert Is Further Proof She Has the Voice of an Angel
Listen Jhené Aiko's Tiny Desk Concert Is Further Proof She Has the Voice of an Angel pronunciation
Jhené Aiko treated fans to a beautiful intimate performance that had us feeling like we were right there in the room with her and her masked band. During an appearance on NPR's popular Tiny..View article
image-unavailable PopSugar
Watch Jhené Aiko Perform an Intimate NPR Tiny Desk (Home) Concert
Listen Watch Jhené Aiko Perform an Intimate NPR Tiny Desk (Home) Concert pronunciation
Jhené Aiko shares renditions of tracks from the past decade and her newest album Chilombo. Aiko has blossomed into one of the most heavily followed R&B singers over the past ten years due to..View article
image-unavailable Okayplayer
Jhené Aiko urges people to hit the polls with powerful new song ‘Vote’
Listen Jhené Aiko urges people to hit the polls with powerful new song ‘Vote’ pronunciation
Jhené Aiko has released a new song to encourage people to hit the polls for the upcoming US presidential election – you can listen to ‘Vote’ below. Teaming up with hit show Black-ish ...
image-unavailable NME
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