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    Meanings for Janine

    The name Janine was once widely used but it is now less popular among the French and Americans . It is a mix of the French names Jeanne and Jeannine and it means "God's gracious gift".
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    Wiki content for Janine

    Janine - Janine may refer to:
    Janeane Garofalo - Janeane Marie Garofalo (; born September 28, 1964) is an American actress, voice artist, stand-up comedian, and writer.
    Janine Butcher - Janine Butcher (also Evans and Malloy) is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, introduced in 1989. The character was played by Rebecca Michael from 1989 to 1993, Alexia D
    Janine Lindemulder - Janine Marie Lindemulder (born November 14, 1968), also known as Janine Marie James, is an American exotic dancer and adult film actress, best known for her work in American pornographic film
    Janine Turner - Janine Turner (born Janine Loraine Gauntt; December 6, 1962) is an American actress best known for her roles as Maggie O'Connell in the television series Northern Exposure, as Jessie Deighan
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Janine A. Monforte RN
    344 ratings rating ratings
    On Friday, August 8 Janine Stange, also known as National Anthem Girl, will sing the Star Spangled Banner prior to the Saints game, checking off Minnesota as the 46th state on her goal of all 50 states
    320 ratings rating ratings
    Sky News host Janine Perrett accepts redundancy after ten years
    Listen Sky News host Janine Perrett accepts redundancy after ten years pronunciation
    295 ratings rating ratings
    Under the Broad Street line, dentist Janine Burkhardt gets patients smiling again.
    Listen Under the Broad Street line, dentist Janine Burkhardt gets patients smiling again. pronunciation
    246 ratings rating ratings
    In Loving Memory of McMASTER-KIRKWOOD Janine
    Listen In Loving Memory of McMASTER-KIRKWOOD Janine pronunciation
    221 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Janine

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    Trending news on Janine

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    Janine is the President and CEO of the Southeastern Council of Foundations (SECF), the nation’s largest regional associations of grantmakers, serving more than 330 foundations and corporate..View article
    The Earth Institute Columbia University The Earth Institute Columbia University
    Janine Guenther named president of Dixon Mitchell ...
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    image-unavailable Investment Executive
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    The City of Launceston has presented its 2021 Citizen Award to Janine Healey at this afternoon's annual Launceston Community Recognition Awards.
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    Janine Flock closes in on 2nd skeleton World Cup title ...
    Listen Janine Flock closes in on 2nd skeleton World Cup title ... pronunciation
    Austria’s Janine Flock all but clinched her second women’s World Cup overall skeleton championship Friday, while Germany’s Jacqueline Loelling picked up her first series win of the season.
    Charlotte Observer Charlotte Observer
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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