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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : megəˈlɒpəlɪs
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Meanings for megalopolis

A town that is situated in Greece, has a minimal population density.
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Wiki content for megalopolis

Megalopolis - A megalopolis (sometimes called a megapolis; also megaregion, or supercity) is typically defined as a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which may be somewhat separated
Megalopolis, Greece - Megalopoli (Greek: Μεγαλόπολη) is a town in the southwestern part of the regional unit of Arcadia, southern Greece.
Megalopolises in China - In China, a city cluster (城市群) is an officially defined type of megalopolis, whereby government policy is to knit the area together more tightly and promote development through transportation
Megalopolis Expressway Trial - Megalopolis Expressway Trial (首都高速トライアル, Shuto kōsoku toraiaru) is the original title of a series of six Japanese films, about illegal highway racing in the Shuto Expressway, released between
Megalopolis (disambiguation) - A megalopolis is an extensive metropolitan area or a long chain of continuous metropolitan areas
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Examples of in a sentence

Ancient Megalopolis Uncovered in Israel Was the 'New York City' of Its Time Period
Listen Ancient Megalopolis Uncovered in Israel Was the 'New York City' of Its Time Period pronunciation
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‘Israel’s ancient NYC’: 5,000-year-old Canaanite megalopolis may rewrite history
Listen ‘Israel’s ancient NYC’: 5,000-year-old Canaanite megalopolis may rewrite history pronunciation
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Postcard from Japan: Expect the unexpected in mindblowing megalopolis
Listen Postcard from Japan: Expect the unexpected in mindblowing megalopolis pronunciation
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Massive Bronze Age megalopolis to be covered over, immortalized in 3-D imaging
Listen Massive Bronze Age megalopolis to be covered over, immortalized in 3-D imaging pronunciation
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Thousands of teens help excavate Bronze Age 'megalopolis' in northern Israel
Listen Thousands of teens help excavate Bronze Age 'megalopolis' in northern Israel pronunciation
36 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of megalopolis

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Trending news on megalopolis

Teens Help Excavate Bronze Age ‘Megalopolis’ in Northern Israel
Listen Teens Help Excavate Bronze Age ‘Megalopolis’ in Northern Israel pronunciation
‘There was an enormous city here—a megalopolis in Early Bronze Age terms, where thousands of people lived, making a living from agriculture and who traded with other regions and even other c..View article
Algemeiner Algemeiner
Francis Ford Coppola set to direct long-delayed sci-fi movie Megalopolis
Listen Francis Ford Coppola set to direct long-delayed sci-fi movie Megalopolis pronunciation
Francis Ford Coppola wants to start production on his long-delayed sci-fi epic Megalopolis this year (19). The Oscar-winning filmmaker, who will celebrate his 80th birthday on Sunday (07Apr1..View article
Hollywood.com Hollywood.com
Francis Ford Coppola Aims to Begin Production on Ambitious Sci-Fi Epic ‘Megalopolis’ This Year
Listen Francis Ford Coppola Aims to Begin Production on Ambitious Sci-Fi Epic ‘Megalopolis’ This Year pronunciation
First written in the 1980s, his sci-fi epic Megalopolis concerns an architect dreaming of a utopic version of New York City in the near future and his battle with the conservative mayor, who..View article
The Film Stage The Film Stage
Francis Ford Coppola mentions Jude Law among ‘Megalopolis’ possibilities
Listen Francis Ford Coppola mentions Jude Law among ‘Megalopolis’ possibilities pronunciation
Director of the iconic “Godfather” trilogy and “Apocalypse Now”, Francis Ford Coppola has indicated that he is moving closer to filming his next big project, “Megalopolis”. “I plan this year..View article
image-unavailable Inquirer Entertainment
Hamilton is evolving into a huge megalopolis | Glover
Listen Hamilton is evolving into a huge megalopolis | Glover pronunciation
Hamilton Township is evolving into a huge megalopolis. Especially as recalled by old timers such as I who remember Hamilton’s “Main Street” (Route 33) when it was sparsely populated and surr..View article
NJ.com NJ.com
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