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Pronunciation of Socceroos with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Socceroos

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Meanings for Socceroos

It is an Australian football team official website that has information about the football team
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Quiz on Socceroos


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Examples of in a sentence

Zimbabwe: Chieza, the World Cup Qualifier, the Socceroos, the Mozambican Sangoma
Listen Zimbabwe: Chieza, the World Cup Qualifier, the Socceroos, the Mozambican Sangoma pronunciation
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Socceroos pair give key message to Cameron Peupion
Listen Socceroos pair give key message to Cameron Peupion pronunciation
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Rogic is Premier League quality, says Socceroos assistant boss
Listen Rogic is Premier League quality, says Socceroos assistant boss pronunciation
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World Cup qualifiers: Socceroos coach Graham Arnold details plans for 2020 friendlies
Listen World Cup qualifiers: Socceroos coach Graham Arnold details plans for 2020 friendlies pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Socceroos coach Graham Arnold says Dykes still welcome to play for Australia
Listen Socceroos coach Graham Arnold says Dykes still welcome to play for Australia pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of Socceroos

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Trending news on Socceroos

Football advocate Bonita Mersiades wins support from former Socceroos over defamation case
Listen Football advocate Bonita Mersiades wins support from former Socceroos over defamation case pronunciation
Ms Mersiades has received a statement of support from a group of former Socceroos known as The Golden Generation, which includes John Aloisi, Lucas Neill, Craig Moore and Mark Viduka. The ar..View article
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Zimbabwe: Chieza, the World Cup Qualifier, the Socceroos, the Mozambican Sangoma
Listen Zimbabwe: Chieza, the World Cup Qualifier, the Socceroos, the Mozambican Sangoma pronunciation
"Almost exactly a year after Warren's death, the Socceroos qualified for their first World Cup in 32 years, defeating Uruguay in a penalty shoot-out at the Olympic stadium in front of 82 000..View article
AllAfrica.com AllAfrica.com
Socceroos pair give key message to Cameron Peupion
Listen Socceroos pair give key message to Cameron Peupion pronunciation
The 17-year-old was encouraged by Socceroos pair Maty Ryan and Aaron Mooy while in England. He said: “When I was over there I was lucky enough to meet them. They were really nice. “Hopefully..View article
The Argus The Argus
Rogic is Premier League quality, says Socceroos assistant boss
Listen Rogic is Premier League quality, says Socceroos assistant boss pronunciation
An English Premier League club should come in for Celtic midfielder Tom Rogic, according to Australia assistant manager Rene Meulensteen.
Belfast Telegraph Belfast Telegraph
World Cup qualifiers: Socceroos coach Graham Arnold details plans for 2020 friendlies
Listen World Cup qualifiers: Socceroos coach Graham Arnold details plans for 2020 friendlies pronunciation
Socceroos coach Graham Arnold has revealed the extreme lengths he is willing to go to in order to defy the COVID shutdown and keep Australia’s World Cup campaign on track.
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
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